
'raped' as a fun catch phrase, tweeting tragedy instead of assisting…

what next? leaving the old people outside for the coyotes to finish them off...? sounds far fetched maybe, but i have just been thoroughly revolted by what i have just read [and i know in this day and age we can get mildly upset and tut tutty and each-to-their-own-device but maybe it's time for people to stand up and SHOUT WILDLY AGAINST THIS KIND OF FILTH...] and we need to draw a line... it started [...]

marriage to the right person – highly recommendable

so in exactly one week's time i will have been married to the beautiful Val for exactly one year - and what a year it's been! as i say often to people - 'marriage is highly recommended... to the right person!' and the 'to the right person' bit is the key - not cos i believe in any kind of God-brings-this-person-and-that-person-together necessarily or that i believe that there is only one 'the one' as opposed [...]

not the God you don't believe in

so the other nite we were hanging with some mates from church at our place and the giant of the group (aptly named klein (small) frans) came up with this saying “the God i believe in is not the God you don’t believe in” which i think is brilliant and which i blog posted and made my status line on facebook and twitter (some might say ‘overkill’ – i might say ‘collective ramifications’ but just [...]

By |2010-04-09T04:52:23+02:00April 9th, 2010|God stuff|5 Comments

if the shoe(s) fits

marvin the marshoes so it's my birthday today - happy happy - and after a super special breakfast made by my wife - the beautiful Val - and delivered to me in bed - that involved jacobs coffee and chocolate-infested and smartie surrounded yoghurt and a wad of range-free bacon - yum - i finally got given the present my wife has been building up intrigue to the last week and wow what a gift [...]

love your wife… and get caught!

i remember some kids song that went 'love your neighbour as you love yourself, oh-oh love your neighbour, but don't get caught' and thinking as i write that, i may very well have added the 'don't get caught' on to what was a nice kiddies song of which i still have the tune playing in my head... so maybe scrap that... but it brings to mind the one thing that is hugely on my mind [...]

the problem of anonyminity

besides trying to spell it i mean. the idea behind this blog is to write and let people discover it. have linked one person to one thing i wrote and also gave mention of the fact that it exists on my FB status... but the idea is not to advertise and draw everyone towards it. but it's hard cos i want people to read what i write. as if it matters or something. i do [...]

By |2009-11-26T06:02:24+02:00November 26th, 2009|and other animals.|0 Comments
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