
Blessed are those who clamp down on appropriation…

...for they will have to wear their own hand-made crap. Or something. This whole appropriation thing is quite confusing to me and feels a little dangerous with the chief danger being hypocrisy. It feels like a speck plank thing. If you are going to accuse someone else of appropriating your culture then you better be well sure that all the stuff you have was made by "your people" whatever that means. When i was a [...]

By |2018-03-10T08:10:54+02:00March 10th, 2018|inspire-ations, South Africa|0 Comments

The Great Gatsby or ‘Why i decided NOT to keep my pie hole shut’.

"Someone get that man a gatsby!" [Fusi Nkoala] The response to a blog post i wrote about the Passion worship event on Saturday titled, 'The Passion of the Chris'. It wasn't quite everyone's response and some of the suggestions were a little conflicting with a different one strongly suggesting to me that i should "Shut up!" and  "Keep my pie hole closed" [Autram Marjo Jacobs] Although to be fair Autram did clarify that it was [...]

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