

Would you drink from a glass if you knew there was a 10% chance you would be drinking poison? The absurdity of a #NotAllMen or #NotAllWhitePeople response to a generalised statement (something usually becomes a generalisation because of how it is generally true) can be compared to me standing you in front of a table containing 100 glasses of liquid and saying, "Don't drink from the glasses because they are filled with poison!" and someone who knows that [...]

The invisible men

Where have all the bad men gone? i know i'm not friends with any of them, because none of my friends have come forward with a #MeToo signifying they were the perpetrator and not the victim. In case you're not sure what we're talking about, this is a response to a Twitterer campaign that went viral after actor Alyssa Milano posted this tweet: If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a [...]

More thoughts on becoming a real man

Let me start with a little spoiler alert - the answer to becoming a real man is not going to have anything to do with punching sharks. Or knifing them. A couple of days ago i compiled this post with a number of suggestions for us men in terms of treating women better. It was spread around a lot and sparked a whole lot of conversation which was really great to watch and be a [...]

By |2017-09-13T10:23:10+02:00September 12th, 2017|#NotOnOurWatch, pain and Hope, things to wrestle with|2 Comments
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