race vibes

The revolution is happening [bring hashtags!]

There is a hashtag that reads #NotOnOurWatch - if you've been around for a bit you've probably seen me write it or heard me speak about it. Well as heavy winds rip trees out and strong rains lash Cape Town far and wide, i am hopeful that more and more the movement is starting to take place. My friend Joanne Peers [who is quite a legend when it comes to processing all kinds of issues [...]

Deep Dive Dinners: If you invite them

i had an exciting conversation with my friend Annie yesterday about an upcoming Deep Dive Dinner we are hoping to organise around Race Conversations. Then last night i chatted with my friend Jess in Durban who recently hosted a follow up dinner to the one we did when we were up there - also exciting stuff. i realise that Deep Dive Dinner Conversations are something i have blogged about quite a bit and so you [...]

By |2017-06-02T08:43:06+02:00June 2nd, 2017|activities, inspire-ations, race vibes|8 Comments

Black Jesus and the “Can this just stop being about race!”

PART I: The Picture Yes, the race conversation is still going on #ThereIsMuchWorkToBeDone And while most of you will likely have missed the back and forth banter between myself and two Facebook friends which was overspill of the Black Jesus Last Supper Depiction the last few days, i felt this needed to go here because there is some incredibly helpful stuff here. But firstly let me acknowledge Alix Beaujour as the artist behind that amazing picture [...]

Race with me…

[Due to a funeral happening this Saturday, the date of this gathering has been pushed forward a week to the 24th] Let's talk about race, baby... tbV and i have been back in South Africa for just over two years and for most of that time i have been talking about race online in different ways and trying to read and learn and listen and figure out and engage with so many different people in [...]

By |2016-09-13T09:21:42+02:00September 12th, 2016|activities, race vibes, South Africa|0 Comments
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