social media

God and Social Media

Would Jesus be on social media? i believe the answer is no. Would Jesus want me to be on social media? i believe the answer is yes. This Sunday i was given the opportunity by Ben the Priest to preach a message on God and my Social Media at St John's church at both the early morning 7.30am service [where a max of six people were on Facebook to the three on Instagram] and then [...]

By |2016-04-18T15:11:10+02:00April 18th, 2016|activities, challenging thorts, church, God stuff|2 Comments

Coffee over Pie Holes

Soooo, i wrote a post with my reflections on the Passion worship event on the weekend as most of you know and BOOM! Oh and then there was the one i wrote titled, 'Sodomy: A South African Love Story' which was a "great post, but please change the title because it's awkward having that on my wall" and that exploded on The Warehouse wall. The piece i shared on Equality, Equity and Reality didn't get [...]

The Character Equation – part Social Networking positivity

How do you judge good character? As i have been thinking about the idea of 'Character' and 'A person of good character'  it seems to be a bit subjective or elusive in terms of definition. One of the dictionary definitions Uncle Google came up with was 'the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.' But the problem with that definition is that it uses the word moral [which in itself, these days, seems to be [...]

By |2014-03-23T06:27:16+02:00March 23rd, 2014|challenging thorts, inspire-ations, people, Uncategorized|8 Comments
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