terran williams

Saying “No” to good things.

i just emailed someone to excuse myself from a creative planning dreaming meeting on Wednesday. i imagine it is going to be an amazing meeting. i believe i would have gotten a lot out of it and also hopefully been able to put a lot into it. But i realised on the weekend, that i don’t have the capacity for that meeting […]

By |2015-11-30T10:41:11+02:00November 30th, 2015|activities, things to wrestle with, tricky things|3 Comments

Taboo Topics: Parents of young children – Meet Terran and Julie [and their 5!]

My friends Terran and Julie Williams were going about life with their three delightful children, sharing regular stories of funny statements and learnt lessons and chaotic moments, when suddenly the news of a 4th child on the way... and then further news that their 4th was a set of twins... If you think three young children is hard, try to get your head around five! Terran shared this piece on Facebook yesterday and gave me [...]

Terran Williams kissed dating…

i've been wanting to get some different perspectives on this whole dating thing and so i asked my friend Terran if he would be able to write something on the one aspect of dating. And he said no. Something about having two children and a job or something... BUT what he did do for me [he is a super busy dude and i suspected he wouldn't have time so this is great] is send me [...]

By |2011-03-31T15:25:10+02:00March 31st, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|1 Comment
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