What about Bob

Andrea responds to Bob responding to everyone but Andrea

My friend Dre, who shared some excellent feedback to Bob's first email over here, responded to his latest response in a comment but i asked her if i could rather share it as a post cos everyone should read this, especially but not solely, Bob. Dre for president!: Bob, you didn’t respond to MY post! *sniff sniff* I feel so left out! (kidding, I’ll be fine ;) But seriously, I do appreciate your response to the [...]

Bob responds

About two weeks ago i published an email from a friend of mine who is white, male, South African and presently living in the UK who had some thoughts, feelings, questions and frustrations about life in South Africa and some of the conversations we'd been having on here. i shared his email under the guise of 'Bob' and invited a few of my friends to respond, all of which you can catch up with over [...]

What about Bob? A commentator weighs in: Meet Martha Mmebe

Martha, like Tsholo and Dre, was someone else who shared some thoughts in the comments section of the 'What about Bob?' conversation and i didn't want her words to be missed so i asked her to expand it into a longer post and here it is: [I am a young Black South African lady, working in a male dominant industry and studying towards my Bcom Degree. Very much active member of the society and believing [...]

What ABOUT Bob? Dre brings the CAPS.

My friend Dre [actually Andrea Thorpe] has been commenting at various places in the 'What about Bob?' conversation and so i asked her if she'd be up to sharing some thoughts of her own... [I’m a white, English-speaking South African. I was born in the Eastern Cape in the ‘80s. I studied Journalism and Media Studies and English at Rhodes University, and later completed my Masters in English at Stellenbosch. I’m now roughly halfway through [...]

What about Bob? And Colette?

So those of you who follow my blog will be aware that i received an email from a friend who wanted to remain anonymous but was wrestling with some questions and issues as a white South African who is currently living overseas but looking in. i published Bob's email over here. i then invited some of my friends to respond and so far Alexa [white woman], Marlyn [coloured guy] and Tsholo [black woman] have shared [...]

What about Bob? a response by Tsholo Mpuru

My friend Tsholo commented on the Bob letter in the comments section, but her comment was so long and specific that i didn't want it to be missed and so i asked her if it would be alright if i ran it as another post in this series and she said yes: [Meet Tsholo: I am a 31 year old black female - lover of music and all things pink. Born and raised in the Free [...]

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