challenging thorts

theological masturbation: shane claiborne's vibes on "the emerging church"

anyone who knows me even slightly well will know that one of my top three life-changing books is "The Irresistible Revolution" by shane claiborne who is one of my real life heroes - i met him briefly a couple of years ago when he was in J Bay speaking at an international Christian surf conference and got to chat to him for a bit and interview him for two magazine articles i was writing. i [...]

things you can learn from someone not wearing a shirt…

so back in new year's times i met a guy called gabe at an event i was mc'ing and it wasn't the greatest of meetings - we had a difference of opinion over some or other thing, i blogged about it without using his name (altho everyone who had been at the event knew who i was talking about) and he (and more particularly his friends) didn't like that i did that so much (some [...]

can i not just start enjoying this big thing now?

not to be confused with 'can't i just enjoy this big thing first?' some people refuse to let go of stuff. and it kills them. some people it actually genuinely physically kills them, cos you can trace ulcers and other stress-related diseases and conditions to the unforgiveness and disappointments that they held onto for a considerable amount of their lives someone once said "holding onto unforgiveness is like drinking a cup of poison and hoping [...]

How to Love Your Woman Better part the Defining of Love

Hollywood (and the greater media) pretty much says (intimates) that love is a feeling and that the expression of that feeling is sex, and also pretty much once the feeling goes love has gone and you should walk away (and get a divorce). Which is why we have such a huge divorce rate where one out of three (or is it two now) marriages end in divorce. But there is another, better way... A way [...]

how would Jesus correct? [part iv – the principle – wounds from a friend]

why is this stuff important? i don't think this is about arisefest and my blog - not anymore, that was just a catalyst to a lot of in depth thinking about a crucial topic which i feel is hugely lacking in the church... [was i right in wot i wrote about arisefest? i'm not sure, perhaps not - the one principle that was intentional though was mentioning names of some of the bands i was [...]

By |2011-01-06T18:40:16+02:00January 6th, 2011|challenging thorts, God stuff|16 Comments

how would Jesus correct? [part iii – some thorts]

and that seems to perhaps be the principle [your thorts are greatly appreciated] - that if you sin in public, you need to be cautioned/rebuked/challenged/held accountable in public - and my reasoning is this... the people observing the non-Christ-following behaviour need to be made aware that that is not Christ-following behaviour otherwise they might think it is okay and go and do the same... so when peter is chilling with the gentiles and then the [...]

By |2011-01-06T18:00:25+02:00January 6th, 2011|challenging thorts, God stuff|2 Comments

how would Jesus correct? [part ii – the evidence]

what came to mind and this is really just to get people thinking more than making any point cos i think i naturally would have gone with the 'gently pull aside' approach is a bunch of incidents when that didn't seem to happen: in matthew 16.23 Peter starts to rebuke Jesus for speaking about His death and Jesus responds by saying, "Get behind me, satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; you do not [...]

By |2011-01-06T17:44:46+02:00January 6th, 2011|challenging thorts, God stuff|2 Comments

how would Jesus correct? [part i – the scenario]

so my arisefest blog got quite a few people heated in terms of the manner in which i dealt with some of the frustrations i had concerning my arisefest experience (which for the most part was a completely incredible experience - the people who missed the point certainly didn't spoil it for me or anyone else i doubt) and some of the behaviours i witnessed... [what was an interesting phenomenon was how quickly the issues [...]

By |2011-01-06T17:40:05+02:00January 6th, 2011|challenging thorts, God stuff|4 Comments
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