Taboo Topics

Taboo Topics: Pornography and Masturbation [Intro]

the next topic that i will be dealing with [and starting with my own story] is that of PORNOGRAPHY and MASTURBATION which are often closely linked together. the idea of Taboo Topics is to take a topic that is very real [and often raw and painful, perhaps embarrassing or just difficult to speak about] but which no one, for various reasons, is speaking a lot about and to invite people who have had experience in [...]

Taboo Topics: Pornography/Masturbation – meet Jaco Hall

God is really good and just loves us too much to let these things pass under the radar! I was also exposed to pornography at a young age (Probably around 11/12) and the seed was planted. It was not so much the pornography I got addicted to, but masturbation. My mind was so contaminated with thoughts of masturbation, and my imagination was enough to keep me going! The odd e-tv movie or two every month [...]

By |2012-08-07T06:47:27+02:00August 7th, 2012|God stuff, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|3 Comments

Taboo Topics: Pornography/Masturbation – meet me

this may be one of the tabooist topics [especially in the church, not a lot of sermons preached on this in my experience] and it's time to bring it into the light. i have a story to share and i am hoping that this will help people towards a journey of healing, restoration, self-forgiveness, hope and sexual purity. i do wish my story went something like this - i used to struggle with pornography and [...]

By |2012-08-04T10:28:13+02:00August 4th, 2012|activities, and other animals., God stuff, Taboo Topics|13 Comments

Taboo Topics: Abortion – meet ‘A’

one of the aims of the 'Taboo Topics' series was to have real people sharing real stories about topics that people don't speak a lot about - up til now i have had people share as themselves but i fully understand with a topic like this, that my friend did not feel comfortable sharing her name and i totally get that... so to those reading this, it is an anonymous story of someone who had [...]

By |2012-06-28T06:58:39+02:00June 28th, 2012|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|5 Comments

Taboo Topics: Abortion – meet 'A'

one of the aims of the 'Taboo Topics' series was to have real people sharing real stories about topics that people don't speak a lot about - up til now i have had people share as themselves but i fully understand with a topic like this, that my friend did not feel comfortable sharing her name and i totally get that... so to those reading this, it is an anonymous story of someone who had [...]

By |2012-06-28T06:58:39+02:00June 28th, 2012|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|5 Comments

Taboo Topics: Infertility [Intro]

this is the third in my series of Taboo Topics that I am tackling and the topic this time around is INFERTILITY the idea of Taboo Topics is to take a topic that is very real [and often raw and painful, perhaps embarrassing or just difficult to speak about] but which no one, for various reasons, is speaking a lot about and to invite people who have had experience in that area to share their [...]

By |2017-01-17T10:18:13+02:00June 14th, 2012|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|5 Comments

Taboo Topics: Infertility – meet Bettina

I have wrestled with writing this for a while now as it is a very sore spot but I know that God can work through this whether to help me heal or to help others know they are not as alone as we often feel in this situation. My story starts not after I got married to my amazing hubby but a few years before. I was about 20 when I found out that I [...]

By |2012-06-14T07:35:31+02:00June 14th, 2012|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|1 Comment

Taboo Topics: Infertility – meet Wendy and Richard

My name is Wendy. Myself and my husband, Richard, have been married for 7.5 years and I have been off contraception for 5.5 of those years. I only went to the doctor in October 2010, as I was not quite ready to face up to potential problems, and we weren’t financially ready for a child. I also told myself that we had not actively been trying (e.g. taking ovulation tests) and therefore perhaps it wasn’t [...]

By |2012-06-13T07:17:43+02:00June 13th, 2012|Taboo Topics|5 Comments

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Philippa and Emiel

this is from my good friends, Philippa [who i met online when i was overseas] and Emiel [who i met back home years ago] who somehow met each other and got happily married [which is a great story and i don't think i had anything to do with it]: "We are the family waiting (not so patiently) to adopt" My name is Philippa and I am married to my hero Emiel. We are the proud [...]

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Jackie Barker

This is a powerful testimony from my friend Jackie who was adopted: It was never a secret that I was adopted. Both my brother and I were told before we even fully knew what it meant – and so was never a big deal. But that’s where it ended. We were never told any more than that – and so growing up I had no knowledge of my birth parents and had no wish to [...]

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