the beautiful Val (tbV)

where do we live?

i was asking that question as i walked [by myself!] to the office today as tbV had a meeting at Darin's house... and the obvious answer would be 50th street [i'm convinced it's 51st in my head so have to type it down now or i may not find my way back home] Oakland, California, Americaland... but i'm looking a little deeper, after 19 months in the 'hood of Kensington, Philly [where in the city [...]

One way to love your spouse better – Brett Fish [Love them in the best way they receive it]

one story tbV [the beautiful Val] enjoys telling is how after a month of us dating she had a bedside drawer full of chocolate... why is this significant? well, i spent a lot of time giving tbV chocolate as a way of showing i loved her, but she is not a big fan of chocolate, preferring sour sweets instead and so basically i invested a month or so in making Val's housemate very happy. i [...]

“Weekly Photo Challenge: (Lunchtime)”

lunchtime can have so many memories attached as food often does - it is seldom just about the food - usually the story or the company or the occasion... so these three stood out for me... firstly the one time it was about the food was this occasion of me sampling what must be the world's biggest donut [which i got to sample when hanging out with my family in Texas two years ago] as [...]

One way to love your spouse better – Brett Fish: be on the same continent

Note, this is remarkably different from "be incontinent" so try not to get confused. [in fact to be honest one of the definitions listed was "Not restrained; uncontrolled" and i am going to be speaking to exactly the opposite of that...] At the point of writing this, my wife aka the beautiful Val, is currently in Americaland while i am still in South Africa [that is about to change in 5 days time though, can't [...]

Weekly Photo Challenge: (Lost in the Details)

i attended a formula 1 grand prix last year in Austen, Texas, which was basically a dream-i-never-would-have-realistically-had come true as i had been watching the sport since i was in primary school... and in the midst of this international event, sitting flanked by people of all nationalities from all around the world, i had the joy of seeing this South African flag draped casually over someone's chair near me... great reminder of home in the [...]

By |2013-03-02T19:49:58+02:00March 2nd, 2013|activities, challenges, the beautiful Val (tbV)|1 Comment

Part 3 of the Andersons next journey – the excitement of support

this is also my 800th blog post altho that is completely irrelevant but a nice round number nonetheless... so if you are reading this, then by now you know that myself and tbV are heading to Oakland, California to work with Common Change, and you also probably have some idea of what our specific roles with CC look like, and so the last thing i want to comment on is the support aspect. Val and [...]

The specifics of Brett and Val's work in Oakland, CA…

so by now, anyone that is interested [and possibly some that aren't] knows that tbV and i will be heading to Oakland, California just across from San Francisco [come visit!] in the short next while to be working with Relational Tithe/Common Change and you also have an idea of what that is all about and how it works... but a lot of people have been asking about the specifics of what each of us will [...]

By |2013-02-26T05:52:09+02:00February 26th, 2013|activities, change the world, life, the beautiful Val (tbV)|2 Comments

Weekly Photo Challenge: (Forward)

this was our wedding day and as one does, we had an original authentic replica of the Aragorn sword from the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy that our friend who ran our drum circle [as one does] brought with him for the occasion... the question 'do you want me to bring my authentic Aragon sword replica?' has only one correct answer and you figure out the details later... so we took this picture: and [...]

Brett and Val in Oakland, California…

well i thought everyone who was interested had an idea of what we are doing next but having explained our next moves three times to people in the last few days i figured it wouldn't hurt having another explanation up - for those of you who have heard this, you can skip this one... from June 2011 to Dec 2012 the beautiful Val [tbV] and i were working and living with the Simple Way in [...]

how to make this man cry at an airport.

i don't cry a lot. not because i don't want to, i just don't. i have spent many prayers through the years asking God to make me cry more and for the most part He doesn't. there was a moment on a bench outside of a Simple Way retreat last year where the tears came and my wife was around to witness it and it was short and very much linked to God and worship [...]

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