brett fish anderson

Mark, my words: Jesus in the garden and when words count

  Continuing our journey with Mark as we head towards the end of Jesus' life as He heads for the garden where He will be arrested and then later tried. i take some time to look at what He does or maybe more importantly what He doesn't do - what He says and what He doesn't say, to see where we can learn how we can and should respond in similiar flavoured circumstances:. Join me [...]

a pome: Gratitude

yesterday, tbV and i went to visit our friend Lilly Lewin in Napa for a morning activity of prayer, reflection and listening to God that she calls 'Time in the Vines'. one of the activities was selecting a stone with a random word on it and the word i picked was 'Gratitude' and one of the things i did while reflecting was write this poem: GRATITUDE as i drag my almost lifeless body one more [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 67

This is such a short baby of a psalm that it is worth publishing the whole thing here: 1 May God be gracious to us and bless us     and make his face shine on us— 2 so that your ways may be known on earth,     your salvation among all nations. 3 May the peoples praise you, God;     may all the peoples praise you. 4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy,     for you rule the peoples with equity [...]

Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect: Wedding Titles

Well it has been a long time coming but Brad Fish is back and with him a brand new Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect video, this time dishing out his wisdom and warnings of the kind of titles we give to people at weddings which can set us up for a whole lot of danger if we are not careful.     If you're wondering who Brad Fish is, he is an [...]

living with tbV

if you stopped reading after the 'b' this becomes a completely different post... so don't. the beautiful Val, in case you didn't know, and yes only i get to call her that and really mean it in the way i do. [you can of course refer to her as 'tbV' th0ugh, and i love it when other people do, but it has also been fun to me through the years how so many of you have [...]

Mark, my words: Having your enemy round for a meal

This story might be a whole lot more profound than we normally pay attention to. Jesus having a last meal with His disciples who He has grown to know and really love after three years of spending time with them. But during the meal He indicates to them that one of them is going to betray Him. So to put it another way He points out the fact that He has an enemy sitting at the [...]

Mark, my words: Inviting the interruption

A story of a woman who pours expensive perfume on Jesus' feet to the obstination of those around Him and yet Jesus responds by calling the act beautiful and saying that what she did will be retold as long as the story of the gospel is being told [like now! it's like He knew!] and also a little p.s. though on the idea of creating space for interruption which seems to be something Jesus did [...]

a pome: keep it to yourself

sh! don't talk. don't challenge. whatever you do, don't try to get me to think...   just nod, smile, pat me on the back, enthusiastically high five me as we pass each other, to validate this current choice i'm making 'like' my current status retweet my popular point of view please don't dare to hold my latest hypocracy up to the light or unravel the threads of my present inconsistency   after all, when did [...]

Mark, my words: chapter 13-16

Finishing off my video blogs of the Gospel of Mark as i work through the last four chapters with thoughts and insights from each passage as I go: All men will hate me? Mark 13.1-13 Be ready, be very ready Mark 13.14-37 Jesus, perfume and space for the interruption Mark 14.1-11 Having your enemies round for some pizza Mark 14.12-26 why DID Jesus keep them around? Mark 14.27-42 Jesus heads to the garden and gets arrested [...]

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