
Easter Sunday: a reflection

We have slowly moved from the pain of Good Friday, through the eerie silence of Easter Saturday to find ourselves present on Easter Sunday. My invitation to you on this day is to lean into the real and authentic, however that may look and feel for you. This is what it looks like for me: An Easter reflection: Easter reflection: "Jesus is risen - Hallelujah!" is the cry ringing out from the church around [...]

Easter Saturday: a reflection

An Easter Saturday reflection: Easter Saturday may feel to some like a nothing day, but it's also a reminder that so often we find ourselves in a space where we need to hold the tension between the pain of Good Friday and the joy and hope of Easter Sunday. A reminder that so often in life we find ourselves in that very space with events that devastate us often overlapping with ones we want [...]

By |2021-04-04T15:55:14+02:00April 3rd, 2021|church, God stuff, pain and Hope, reflections|0 Comments

Good Friday: a reflection

A Good Friday reflection: A call to remain and lean into the pain that Good Friday speaks of before rushing too quickly to the joy of Resurrection Sunday. Because the pain is where too many people find themselves in the world and it is into that story that God reaches. Even Jesus, when confronted with a violent death asks if there is not another way. But then chooses to follow the path of pain & [...]

When church, christianity and christians let you down…

Have you taken a moment away from church, christianity, and religion to simply focus for a moment on Jesus? Pandemic time, and i would probably add American election time, has been a hard one for christians.  How do you continue to follow God when the world is on fire? When church leaders around the world are being exposed for secret, often devastating sins? When churches fight tooth and nail to keep Sunday meetings happening [...]

By |2021-02-01T09:43:51+02:00February 1st, 2021|bible things, change the world, church, God stuff|1 Comment

Forget potatoes, i want Faith like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This week i was super inspired and encouraged by a clip of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez i don't like to put people on pedestals. People will always let you down. For me, the only person i ever raise as the standard is Jesus Christ. And as much as my faith and religion have taken a bit of a beating these past few years [ironically as i started focusing more on matter of Justice and particularly race] [...]

By |2021-01-23T10:15:57+02:00October 14th, 2020|God stuff, inspire-ations, Justice, Justice issues|0 Comments

Stones, tables and bread.

Sometimes Jesus threw things and sometimes He didn't.  As someone who tries to live a life that follows Jesus, i need to spend some time figuring this out so i can get it right. The fortunate thing is that it actually seems quite straightforward. When it had to do with systems and structures and people oppressing the poor and marginalised, Jesus threw tables. In moments of vulnerability and shame and the judgement of the [...]

By |2021-01-23T18:30:47+02:00August 28th, 2020|God stuff, inspire-ations, Justice|0 Comments

Poem: The dust

I quickened my pace As I hurried home More excited than normal To make it on time For my nightly appointment A story-telling date With my youngest daughter That I always hated to miss But tonight would be extra special Did I have a story for her? I set the scene with great dramatic effect There I was at the edge of the crowd Minding my own business Listening to the Teacher When suddenly [...]

Brett Fish St John’s Preach: Scripture in Context…

How do we use Scripture in context to make sense of the world today? This morning i was given the opportunity to do the preach for St John's Anglican church in Wynberg. Which you can listen to over here. with the rest of the service! But since i had to write it out for some of the members who can't tune in, i thought it might be helpful to some of you if i [...]

By |2021-01-24T08:36:28+02:00June 28th, 2020|church, God stuff, Justice, Justice issues|0 Comments

What does Jesus have to do with Justice?

They don't like swearing in the church! Well, not in a lot of churches in i know. And i'm not talking about the 'F' word either. i am talking about the 'S' word. Saying that can get you into a LOT of trouble. That's right, while 'Fund-raising' is a perfectly acceptable - some might say 'Holy' - term, and can happen through a variety of methods such as tithes and offerings or even a [...]

By |2021-02-01T11:12:43+02:00June 15th, 2020|God stuff, Justice, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Where would Jesus stand on #BlackLivesMatter?

Where would Jesus stand on the #BlackLivesMatter movement? When you think about Jesus, the gut screams that He was an All Lives Matter kind of guy right? Absolutely. If anyone would have advocated that All Lives Matter it would have been Jesus. And you know who else believes that All Lives Matter? Pretty much everyone in the Black Lives Matter movement. But let's take a closer look. Back in Genesis we read that we [...]

By |2021-02-01T11:14:04+02:00June 14th, 2020|church, God stuff, Justice, Justice issues|0 Comments
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