
How to condemn evil while loving evil people?

i came across this article titled, 'Loving Dzhokhar Tsarnaev' [one of the suspected terrorists involved in the recent Boston Marathon bombing] shortly after it happened and it really made some strong points in terms of our role as Christ following people in the wake of such a horrific disaster. the author, Adam Mabry, starts off by highlighting two opposing reactions which are equally unhelpful: 'The first is the xenophobic, racial, and even religious hatred of [...]

the wages of God, are you!

when Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment in the jewish law He responded with in summary, “Love God love people” – ha, as i was typing that i accidentally typo’d “love gold” and how fitting that is but i’m sure i don’t have to go into that. Jesus added that the full law and the prophets (basically their bible at the time) rested on these two things (relationships) in fact if you study [...]

By |2010-04-02T06:09:55+02:00April 2nd, 2010|God stuff, relationships|1 Comment
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