
A Frikkin Hashtag: #MyLastBucketListItemis…

Two weeks ago @KeshaTedder [aka Binks] and i challenged Hashtag gamers to come up with their best suggestions for the Tag #AndThenTheWorldEnded and there were some great suggestions worth checking out. Last week it was @TheatreAfrica co-hosting with me as we looked at #MyLastBucketListItemIs which saw 306 people come up with 1289 tweets with an audience of 727, 406 people… We were quite guy heavy as a stat of  78.1% of those playing tells you. [...]

By |2015-11-02T13:53:39+02:00November 2nd, 2015|and other animals., fun, Hashtag Game, silly things|3 Comments

A Frikkin Hashtag round 2: And Then The World Ended

Last week was the second official week of the South African presence on the International Trending Hashtagging game app under the hashtag @AFrikkinHashtag [Say it out loud]. Despite it happening right in the middle of all the #FeesMustFall action, we still somehow managed to briefly trend in South Africa for the first time while also trending solidly at number 4 in the States. […]

By |2015-10-28T08:54:34+02:00October 28th, 2015|and other animals., fun, silly things|5 Comments

Is it at a bird? Is it at a plane? NO! It’s @AFrikkinHashtag

So there’s this little thing called Hashtag games [which i wrote this article about for] which i got into while i was in Americaland. Someone comes up with a clever Hashtag, something like #WaterACelebrity and then anyone in the world who is on the Twitterer plugs into their creative minds and tries to come up with clever or witty responses. So examples might be: Sea-gourney Weaver, Drip Torn or Harrison Fjord.  […]

By |2015-10-10T23:31:06+02:00October 10th, 2015|activities, fun, silly things|3 Comments

Who is Going to LEAD SA?

South Africans are used to hearing bad news. We see it strewn across the front of newspapers, on our social media feeds and even hear it from our friends and neighbours. But is that the only story? Back in February i started a series titled, 'One person who Gives me Hope in South Africa is...' and was super encouraged to see a number of you sharing stories about someone you know who is busy making a difference. [...]

By |2015-08-06T15:30:48+02:00August 6th, 2015|change the world, inspire-ations, local news|1 Comment

Sometimes love…

Every now and then i will post a status on Facebook or the Twitterer that starts with the words 'Sometimes love looks like...' Which will then go on to mention something [large or small] that my wife, tbV [the beautiful Val, yes folks the 'b' does not stand for 'lovely'!] has done for me as a way of celebrating her more publicly. The latest one looked a little something like this: Sometimes love is walking [...]

The Twitterer Poem – in 140 characters of less…

Not sure where this came from - possibly inspired by a few spoken word poets i follow on the Twitterer [@brettfisha] but was lying in bed this morning and suddenly started writing a poem on the Twitterer which means line after line of 140 characters or less, trying to make each line complete  and full, while also creating a whole completed piece. This is what emerged: Deep breath. Reset. New day. New ways. To breathe [...]

By |2014-11-09T23:48:57+02:00November 9th, 2014|poems and other creativity, Uncategorized|1 Comment
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