bible things

Mark, my words: I'm telling you I don't even know the man! Ooh, a rooster?

Wow. Boom. Things just got real people. Having just witnessed Simon Peter's 'Life or Death' declaration of absolute faithfulness to Jesus at the Last Supper, we now have this follow up story where Peter is denying Jesus left, right and centre... until suddenly, the piercing sound of a rooster is heard... Join me as i work through Mark 14.66-72:     [For the next passage which sees Jesus standing before Pontius Pilate, click [...]

Mark, my words: Jesus in the garden and when words count

  Continuing our journey with Mark as we head towards the end of Jesus' life as He heads for the garden where He will be arrested and then later tried. i take some time to look at what He does or maybe more importantly what He doesn't do - what He says and what He doesn't say, to see where we can learn how we can and should respond in similiar flavoured circumstances:. Join me [...]

Mark, my words: Why does he keep them around?

As we continue on with Mark, we have this very interesting passage that might leave us wondering why Jesus kept the disciples around. But then if you're anything like me, you'll probably be super glad that He did. [and does!] Join me as we look at Mark 14. 27-42 and maybe take a moment to thank God that He uses the foolish of the world to confound the wise...     [For the [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 67

This is such a short baby of a psalm that it is worth publishing the whole thing here: 1 May God be gracious to us and bless us     and make his face shine on us— 2 so that your ways may be known on earth,     your salvation among all nations. 3 May the peoples praise you, God;     may all the peoples praise you. 4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy,     for you rule the peoples with equity [...]

Easter: wrestling with Jesus [a reblog of my good friend, Bruce Collins]

Bruce Collins is one of my best friends in the category of 'people i have hardly spent any time with at all' - our spirits seem to connect strongly when it comes to God and life and relationships and things and i just love his passion and wrestling and honesty... he has a great gift for writing too which is why i am reblogging this post of his which feels like something i could have [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Day 40ish

DAY 40ish Wow! Day 40. We made it... ish. Easter is still a few days away so may still add a post or two but it has been fun [and only slightly overwhelming] to do this journey with those few of you who have joined with me. The Bible mentions seven things that Jesus says while hanging on the cross. I found this online site that looks at each statement [calling each one a 'word'] and [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Day 39ish

DAY 39ish i saw this prayer/poem/reflection? on my friend Conso's Facebook wall and thought it was too good not to share... Task: Mediate and reflect on the following words as they have meaning for you:   Until i encountered the CROSS... i knew confession but did not know repentance, i knew ritual but did not know true worship, i knew guilt and shame but did not know redemption, i knew judgement and condemnation but did [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Day 36-38

DAYS 36-38 i know, i know, you got me on this one - definitely bitten off more than i can chew... so another weekend Lent Observance to give me a chance to breathe in deeply and spend some more time reflecting than simply writing about reflecting - also i have two preaches on Sunday so it's a bit of a crazy busy weekend... and we're about to run out of 40ish days of Lent but [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Day 35

DAY 35 John 11.35 is often quoted as the shortest verse in the Bible - 'Jesus wept' - but in actual fact that honour should really go to Job 3.2 which simply states, 'He said' [less strokes on a keyboard!] However, 'He said' is a lot less interesting. Task: Take some time to consider this story where Jesus is moved to tears. Take some time today to express some grief for something. It might be [...]

By |2014-04-10T13:23:48+02:00April 10th, 2014|activities, bible things, inspire-ations|0 Comments

40ish Days of Lent: Day 34

DAY 32 The Bible mentions seven things that Jesus says while hanging on the cross. I found this online site that looks at each statement [calling each one a 'word'] and thought it would be a great resource for us as we head towards Easter. Task: Meditate and reflect on ‘The fifth word of Jesus.’ The fifth word is based on Jesus’ words in John 19. 28-29 "I am thirsty." Spend some time of reflection on [...]

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