God stuff

Christmas for the masses…

a little while ago i put a general request out on facebook to see what fun and creative things people were doing or have done for Christmas in terms of using the season as a way to reach out to those who are less fortunate than us or considered by the world as 'the least of these' and this bunch of great opportunities emerged... [i don't normally allow smiley faces on my blog, but we [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 45

'My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.' (verse 1) this psalm is billed as a wedding song and so that poetic opening feels like a suitable way to get things started - and a good reminder to those of us who get caught up in the lifeness of life to be reminded that we serve a stunningly [...]

By |2012-12-02T07:36:41+02:00December 2nd, 2012|bible things, God stuff, psalms, worship|2 Comments

Mark, my words: Jesus has a death wish

i have no idea why i start this in my cartoon voice, but if you can get past that [i do, quickly] then it is a continuation of the gospel of Mark, and a look at the first 6 verses of Mark chapter 3. Jesus does a really great thing. And the 'christians' respond in anger because He didn't do it 'the right way' - wow, this one took my by surprise a little - [...]

Mark, my words: Law vs Heart

Moving on to Mark 2 verse 23 to 28 and the tricky question of whether we obey the biblical law to the absolute letter or whether by sometimes doing that we can perhaps miss out on the heart of the law and the foundational message of 'Love God, Love people' message that Jesus spoke. to continue on to 'Jesus has a death wish?' click here

Ten Ways to Love part X: Pray without ceasing.

so this is the last of the ten ways to Love and it might be good to mention again that i got these on a list and just expounded on them - this was originally number 4 but i bumped it to the end, not because it is any less important but because the others were more relevant to everyone whereas this one is specific to people of faith... Colossians 1.9 reads, 'For this reason, [...]

the chistian way

'you will be known by the Love you have for each other.' [Jesus Christ, john 13.35] that's almost very completely different from 'you will be known by the lack of love you show to each other' it blows my mind that this concept has been abused all over the world in many different ways by people quoting scripture '[or at the very least chanting 'the bible says' in response to any criticism] to justify things, [...]

silent god

i sit in silence. and wait... nothing! be still. i am still. and know that I am God hm. i sit in silence. and wait. i am still. i am still waiting. as i sit i become aware of my breath of the tick tick tick tick tick of the wall clock outside sounds. a car. a mother calling for her child. an alarm. or is it a siren? back to the room. and my [...]

By |2012-11-16T00:52:48+02:00November 16th, 2012|God stuff, poems and other creativity|6 Comments

Mark, my words: Jesus and the leper

so we continue the walk through Mark and in this one we take a look at Jesus' encounter with a leper Mark 1 verse 40 to 42 as always, would love to hear any thoughts, ideas or impressions that hit you as you looked at or listened to this passage so please leave your, ahem, mark... to continue on to the next story about Jesus healing the paralytic who was lowered thru the roof

By |2012-11-13T07:40:37+02:00November 13th, 2012|activities, bible things, God stuff, what i am reading|3 Comments

Speakeasy Book Review: Alone with a Jihadist [Aaron D. Taylor]

Alone with a Jihadist: A biblical response to holy war [by Aaron D. Taylor] This was the second book i have reviewed for the Speakeasy group i belong to and it took me by surprise in two main areas: [1] the title is 'Alone with a Jihadist' and so i kind of figured the book would be about this guy who was interviewing this other guy who was a jihadist for the entire book. but [...]

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