pain and Hope

More thoughts on becoming a real man

Let me start with a little spoiler alert - the answer to becoming a real man is not going to have anything to do with punching sharks. Or knifing them. A couple of days ago i compiled this post with a number of suggestions for us men in terms of treating women better. It was spread around a lot and sparked a whole lot of conversation which was really great to watch and be a [...]

By |2017-09-13T10:23:10+02:00September 12th, 2017|#NotOnOurWatch, pain and Hope, things to wrestle with|2 Comments

Taboo Topics: Parents of young children – Meet Geraldine Walsh

i am so grateful to my friend Geraldine Walsh, who recently joined the @AFrikkinHashtag Hashtagging team on Twittter for sharing such a vulnerable story about her time as a new mom as well as letting me link this to her post on post-natal depression. Make sure that you sign up to follow her blog after reading this: Today is B’s birthday. Instead of it being a lovely family day with nice surprises for [...]

Water we going to do

'Scientists have calculated that we would actually save more water by forgoing one pound of beef, or four hamburgers, than by not showering for at least six months.' How about sitting with that one for a moment? Especially if you live in Cape Town where we have just about hit level 4 Water restrictions... What's that you say? With around 11% of drinkable water left in our dams and the rain forecasts not looking to [...]

By |2017-05-17T14:00:33+02:00May 17th, 2017|activities, pain and Hope|8 Comments

a journey into #MenAreTrash

i started off quite irritated and frustrated with the #MenAreTrash tag that i've seen pop up all over Facebook this last week. So i eventually started writing a Facebook status on it and literally changed my mind as i was writing... so this may come across as a bit of a clever clickbait make-you-think-one-thing-but-i-am-saying-the-other misdirection but i actually watched my mind change directions as i was typing this on my phone... So a lot of [...]

Deaf White People

Sorry, that should read 'Dear White People', a super helpful, brilliantly made series on Netflix that i am busy watching, which does an excellent job of unpacking many of the race issues i try to write about here. From a range of perspectives. [Disclaimer: it is quite sexualised for people who don't particularly enjoy watching that but still sho so powerful] Or should it? Because yesterday i posted this request on my Facebook wall... Friends of [...]

Taboo Topic: Mental Illness [schizophrenia] – meet Hilary Mushambi (nee Peer)

i am so super grateful for another brave person sharing a story that deals with mental illness as i imagine this has to be something that makes you feel cut off from society at large, because there is often stigma attached and just lack of information for those on the outside as it were. Especially with a word like schizophrenia that so many of us had heavily incorrect perceptions of when growing up. So thank [...]

#BlackMonday review: Wear black if you want, but also don’t.

So #BlackMonday was a thing. For anyone who missed it, i wrote a post during the day collating a lot of the stuff i shared and read which i titled: Bleak Monday: Studios were touched It was in some ways a frustrating day, but i also saw a lot of what felt like really helpful engagement which for the most part was positive and for that i am grateful. We don't have to all end [...]

Bleak Monday: Studios were touched

Some thoughts linked to #BlackMonday that took place in South Africa this past week... i imagine an up market coffee shop somewhere in the heart of Cape Town where black clothed wearing upper class people are sipping on their frozen no-whip skinny ironies... = = = i woke up this morning with no idea what i was going to wear - which is stupid, really, cos Monday is Batman t-shirt day [this is not a [...]

Black Jesus and the “Can this just stop being about race!”

PART I: The Picture Yes, the race conversation is still going on #ThereIsMuchWorkToBeDone And while most of you will likely have missed the back and forth banter between myself and two Facebook friends which was overspill of the Black Jesus Last Supper Depiction the last few days, i felt this needed to go here because there is some incredibly helpful stuff here. But firstly let me acknowledge Alix Beaujour as the artist behind that amazing picture [...]

Taboo Topics: Parents of young children – Meet Christie Mae Roberts

Parenting is the hardest thing I have ever done. That’s stating the obvious, right? I mean, one can’t open Facebook without finding a meme that involves children and the need for copious amounts of wine (or maybe that’s a reflection on how mommified my Facebook feed has become?) I don’t think there is a parent out there who doesn’t feel tired (emotionally, physically, mentally) MOST of the time. Steve and I have been married for [...]

By |2017-01-18T08:16:35+02:00January 17th, 2017|family, pain and Hope, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|6 Comments
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