South Africa

The Justice Conference: The Quotes [Part II]

In part I i shared some thoughts from The Justice Conference from René August, Sivuyile Kotela and Craig Stewart and here are some other notes and thoughts i was able to take down: Afrika Mhlope had this to say: We have to break this entrenched idea that this is white man's religion. We've got a lot of work to do. He also encouraged us to check out the Black pain White Guilt video on you Tube. There is [...]

The Justice Conference: The Quotes [Part I]

Yesterday i shared some overview thoughts and impressions from The Justice Conference that we were part of this weekend. i was on the social media team and my role specifically was to sit in meetings and workshops and tweet standalone thoughts [in 140 characters or less, or 16 less than that once you include the hashtag #JusticeSA2017, which incidentally you can click on in the Twitterer to connect with a lot of those thoughts] Part [...]

The Justice Conference: an overview

Where do you begin talking about the first ever Justice Conference South Africa? Maybe you start with a huge shout out to your wife, Valerie [aka tbV which stands for The Beautiful Val and is only not awkward when i am the one calling her that] who was in charge of bringing the whole thing together and did an incredible job at that. Or Craig Stewart whose dream it was and who invited Val to [...]

Black Jesus and the “Can this just stop being about race!”

PART I: The Picture Yes, the race conversation is still going on #ThereIsMuchWorkToBeDone And while most of you will likely have missed the back and forth banter between myself and two Facebook friends which was overspill of the Black Jesus Last Supper Depiction the last few days, i felt this needed to go here because there is some incredibly helpful stuff here. But firstly let me acknowledge Alix Beaujour as the artist behind that amazing picture [...]

Extending the choice

Who has the ability to choose? i was involved in a Whatsapp conversation with a really amazing group of people who have the most hecticest [it's a word] race conversations. Usually i can't keep up with them [diverse group of leaders mostly from Joburg side that i connected with at the beginning of last year at a live Race conversation] and so i jump in every now and then to glean some gems, of which [...]

#NotOnOurWatch: That’s not my name!

i stopped to fill up my car with petrol today and got really mad and jumped on to my phone and wrote this as my Facebook status: Disclaimer: this post will not have the amount of swearing i feel it deserves. Caltex, Main Road, Diep River, know that i am gunning for you. How DARE you have petrol attendants working for you who have to change their isiXhosa names for English names because their names [...]

Can we please make it more about race?

You can tell i'm getting over my pity party. Well, maybe you didn't know i was having a pity party but it's my birthday and i'm trapped at home and my wife is out at work and the one thing i have to look forward to is an Improv show i am doing tonight which a total of seven people have booked for. And a number of those may or may not be related to [...]

Saturday Reflection: Prevalence of whiteness

Two quick thoughts about whiteness that have been inspired by pieces that two amazing women [Jess and Jana] have written for my upcoming book on race. Less than ten percent of people in South Africa are white, by way of introduction and context. [1] Does living in the suburbs give you the illusion that most people in South Africa are white? In Cape Town at least, there are suburbs where this is true, and still a [...]

By |2017-01-14T09:55:13+02:00January 14th, 2017|inspire-ations, South Africa, things to wrestle with|0 Comments

Things to learn from being Born A Crime, part I [Fish]

Yesterday i shared a bit of a book review of Trevor Noah's new book, 'Born a Crime'. i would like to share a few of the excerpts from that book [which i recommend you get hold of] which jumped out at me: [1] Sometimes you have to start with a fish This one goes completely against my way of thinking, but made a lot of sense and so caused me to pause and rethink this [...]

How do we harness the Christmas/New Year’s Shalom?

Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. Shalom comes from the root verb shalom meaning to be complete, perfect and full. [Strong's Concordance] i was thinking about this on our recent camping trip in the Cederberg. How is it that everyone is peaceful and loving and kind on Christmas Day... and then again on New Year's Eve? And then they're not...? [...]

By |2017-01-05T13:52:10+02:00January 5th, 2017|inspire-ations, South Africa, things to wrestle with|0 Comments
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