
Mwari Pizza House: Meet Tshepi the Pizza Maker

i am SUPER EXCITED to introduce you all to Tshepiso Sibisi, whose pizza making business caught my eye earlier this year. Due to the super busyness of my work and life vibes, i have taken way too long to get this blog post written - and i humbly apologise - but we are here, and this is a story to enjoy and share. And if you are in the area to take advantage of. [...]

A Frikkin Hashtag: #AlternativeUsesForPizza

So while i hate the idea of pineapple on pizza, i have absolutely nothing against people who love pineapple on pizza [weirdos!] but after raiSINs and the non-word 'bae' it probably is the thing i pick on the most as a regular in Hashtagging games. But it's a joke and always has been - despite an unfortunate incident with an old friend who felt like it was a personal attack because of how 'strong' i [...]

By |2018-07-04T11:01:36+02:00July 4th, 2018|fun, games & Stuff, Hashtag Game, silly things|0 Comments

things you can learn from someone not wearing a shirt…

so back in new year's times i met a guy called gabe at an event i was mc'ing and it wasn't the greatest of meetings - we had a difference of opinion over some or other thing, i blogged about it without using his name (altho everyone who had been at the event knew who i was talking about) and he (and more particularly his friends) didn't like that i did that so much (some [...]

take a look at yourself and change your…face…

“i’m talking bout the man in the mirror – ooh yeah – i’m askin him to change his face... ooh wa... and no message, could have been, any clearer... if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and change your face” [Michael Jackson, adapted by plastic surgeons anonymous] yes i know that’s not the line but it’s the one i always sing when i hear of that song – [...]

By |2010-05-06T07:03:51+02:00May 6th, 2010|change the world, people|1 Comment

i wish you were dead (part I)

“Sometimes i wish i was dead. Wait, not me, you.” [Jack Handey] ah, one of my most favourite darker deep thorts by JH. and never true in my life in that i ever wished someone else was dead but on thursday nite i did want to walk down into the audience and slap a few people in the head (i didn’t!) i was asked to provide some entertainment at a herschel-and-other-schools christian union pizza and [...]

By |2010-01-24T04:54:53+02:00January 24th, 2010|God stuff, life, people, shtupidt people|0 Comments
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