
The Character Equation: Saying and being sorry

"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man." [Jack Handey] Ah, i love me some Jack Handey, but as i continue to look at some different aspects that define the character of a person, i'm not quite sure that would be the best approach. However, when we hear the word "Sorry!" coming out of our mouth, we should always be asking ourselves one key question: [...]

40ish Days of Lent: Day 39ish

DAY 39ish i saw this prayer/poem/reflection? on my friend Conso's Facebook wall and thought it was too good not to share... Task: Mediate and reflect on the following words as they have meaning for you:   Until i encountered the CROSS... i knew confession but did not know repentance, i knew ritual but did not know true worship, i knew guilt and shame but did not know redemption, i knew judgement and condemnation but did [...]

i need to be stronger.

i don't feel very strong right now. i feel wronged. badly done by. hurt. betrayed. disappointed. and yet again and again it comes back to me that the call is on me to forgive. pride. ego. self-righteousness. my idea of "justice". all these things rally against me, trying to convince me that i am in the right [maybe i am] and that the other should approach me [maybe they should] and seek peace and restoration. [...]

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