
Before we blame God…

Some people are finding it hard to believe in God at the moment. During a pandemic that is threatening to wipe out so many people and cause a trail of destruction the notion of an all-loving, all-powerful God can feel completely absurd. Others are preaching that this is God's punishment on a world that has largely rejected God. Which is also a bitter pill to swallow. i have been wrestling with my faith in [...]

Tis the feeling of our discontent

One thing that irritates me in life is people arriving late for things. Like sufficiently overwhelmingly late. We had an arrangement that you would arrive at seven and it's now twenty-past seven and i haven't even heard from you. Now it's helpful to realise that this comes from a place. A lot of people see punctuality as a virtue and some cultures might hold it as a greater value than other cultures and for specific [...]

By |2018-07-26T06:59:10+02:00July 26th, 2018|challenges|1 Comment

a letter, from Magda Pecsenye, to her sons about stopping rape.

'Dear Boys, Some really horrible things happened to someone who could be one of your friends, and it was done by some people who could be your friends. You're 11 and almost-8 now, so the incident that made me write this letter isn't something you've heard about, but this stuff keeps happening, unfortunately. So I need to talk to you about it...' with that attention-grabbing opening paragraph, Magda Pecsenye, who is the writer for the [...]

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