sexual abuse

Why #MeToo can not be last week’s news

It's been a week since the #MeToo tag went viral. When women across social media platforms started sharing their stories, or simply putting their hands up to help us glimpse the extent of sexual abuse and harassment that so many of them face on a daily basis. Many of you may have read The Invisible Men piece i wrote, in which one of the main questions was, "Where are the men committing these acts and [...]

So what should we men do with #MeToo

It's been a week of #MeToo tags and stories and commentaries all over social media. i hope men have taken note as a lot of the sharing and commenting has been done by women. i hope that enough men have read my The Invisible Men post and started to think about who these men are that are doing these things that so many women have voiced. While many others have been unable to voice. i [...]

The invisible men

Where have all the bad men gone? i know i'm not friends with any of them, because none of my friends have come forward with a #MeToo signifying they were the perpetrator and not the victim. In case you're not sure what we're talking about, this is a response to a Twitterer campaign that went viral after actor Alyssa Milano posted this tweet: If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a [...]

Whose Taboo Topic is it anyway?

My favourite space on my blog is probably the Taboo Topics section where we look at topics rarely spoken about such as losing a baby or infertility, singleness or being a parent of young children when it's really really hard, abortion and adoption, issues of race and many more... with one exception these posts take the form of stories of real live people who put their names and faces on them to help make them more [...]

Taboo Topics: Sex in Marriage – Meet Helene Scalliet

And now a glimpse into the story of Steve and Helene from Helene's side: I will start with the here and now – Steve and I have been married two and a half years and together six years. I feel very blessed and fulfilled by our physical intimacy, and am looking for many years of exploring what that will look like in the various seasons that await us. Knowing where the other comes from with [...]

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