challenging thorts

My Strength Weakness: [intro]

the other day i was listening to one of my friends share some of their story with a group of people - four of our friends were speaking on the topic of serving God [and people] with our Time, our Talents [skills, giftings] and our Treasures [money, things] with each person dealing with a specific one of them. as i listened to Lara [who is, among other things, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a [...]

grab life by the.

a few years ago i visited new york with a good buddy of mine, justin paton, and one of the touristy things we came across was the Charging Bull, a 3,200-kg (7,100 lb) bronze sculpture by Arturo Di Modica that stands Wall Street in Manhattan. being a touristy symbol, we had to wait a fair amount of time to get a picture with it and so naturally when we did i had to be a [...]

Taboo Topics: Contents Page

Taboo Topics is a series dedicated to sharing stories from real live people [mostly who i know] on real life issues, situations or experiences that are seldom spoken about for various reasons. So far the topics that have been addressed [with links to all the stories] are the following: Abortion Addiction Adoption Cancer Dealing with the Grief of losing Someone you Love Eating Disorders Fostering a Child Infertility Living with Disabilities/Special Needs Losing a Baby [...]

Cheat! But not alone…

so this week i found out on twitter that our south african olympic swimming gold medalist, cameron van der bergh, had admitted to cheating to get his gold medal by doing a succession of dolphin kicks underwater in the pool [apparently only one is allowed] and it bummed me out. so, as one does, i made a facebook status about it... and was doubly surprised and bummed at how many [mostly christians] wrote comments on [...]

the days i wrote about hitler, retards, hating christianity and gay people…

one of my facebook friends [Catherine Rogers] posted a status about the overabundance of brett FISH anderson articles/blogs/videos on her newsfeed and the struggle to pick which to give her time to [not complaining that there was so much but that there was too much choice] and so somehow five minutes later i found myself looking back through some early pre-Simple Way blog posts i made two or more years ago and finding a bunch [...]

Wild Goose Hunting – Day 3 ['Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?' ]

i attended a workshop by Brian Mclaren entitled 'Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?' now anyone who knows my Brian Mclaren history knows it didn't start well - i read a book of his whose title i can't remember but who most fans of his writing have told me is not one of his greatest books and i wasn't that impressed - don't even know if i finished it - [...]

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Jane and Mike

My husband mike and I decided to start a family at the beginning of last year and so I went off contraception and we started trying. We assumed it would be quick and easy, because we have only heard stories of people falling pregnant quickly – even in the first or second month, and with no complications. And so the first month or two we weren’t worried, we enjoyed the excitement of getting ready to [...]

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Tyron and Caraleigh

Hey Brett Thanks for the opportunity to share on your “Taboo Topics” series in regards to adoption. This is our story thus far: Myself and Caraleigh decided to pursue adopting Andrew around mid-Jan 2012. We are currently waiting for the adoption to be finalised. This is a process that requires much patience & prayer, but it’s looking really good so far, even better than normal cases for some ‘God-intervening’ reasons I’m sure. In the meantime [...]

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet James Bradford

i met James at an improv group class i sometimes attend in Philadelphia and he was the first one to jump into sharing his adoption story. even though the story is pretty hectic, it seems like James has somehow come through it really positively without having any major adoption issues. Thankx for sharing, James: Well basically I've known I'm adopted my whole life. It was never some shrouded family secret. In fact the entire process [...]

Taboo Topics: Adoption [Intro]

this series of blog posts has been on my heart and mind for well over a year and i am excited to finally be at the point of getting started on it. there are a number of incredibly important, life-transforming, heart-breaking life events that happen to huge numbers of people that no-one, or very few people, ever seem to talk publically about – and so for the most part there are hundreds or thousands of [...]

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