
Have you read ‘i, church’?

For anyone who doesn't know, last year i self-published a book called 'i, church'. On the back cover of the book there is a bit of a summation and part of it reads like this: To those of you who believe church is the worst thing ever: You're right! To those of you who believe church is the best thing ever: You're right! i call this book, 'i, church' because more than a building or [...]

By |2016-03-02T07:42:11+02:00March 2nd, 2016|and other animals., church, inspire-ations|0 Comments

The Passion of the Chris

Last night was the Passion 2016 Worship Conference in Cape Town. Earlier in the day i had been at a significant meeting with the young folks from Disrupting Whiteness which i reflected on in this somewhat controversially titled post, 'Sodomy: A South African Love Story' which reminded us of an earlier definition of Sodomy which was  that 'The people of Sodom pursued lives of careless ease and ignored the poor on their doorstep.' Which we see [...]

When last did you threaten your pastor?

i can’t remember any time recently when i wanted to kill the pastor of the church i was in [Ben the Priest is kinda cool!]. In fact it’s probably more likely that there were people thinking those kinds of thoughts about me during some of my more challenging or hectic messages back in the day. But this morning at St John’s we were looking at Luke 4 which is an interesting passage and one that [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:35:15+02:00February 2nd, 2016|challenging thorts, church, thorts of other people|0 Comments

Building bridges, digging holes

Just started reading a new chapter in Ron Sider’s ‘Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger’ and this parable it begins with is such a brilliant example of the need for Christ followers to be involved in structural change that i wanted to jump on and share it before i read any further: […]

To Prosperity add Justice

This will be the last share of the chapter from Ron Sider’s super-challenging book, ‘Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger’ [do yourselves a favour and get hold of a copy and let it ruin you in the best of ways!] We ended the last post with: The threat of a curse always accompanied the promise of blessing […]

Tossing the Greedy out of the Church

As we continue to seek out A Carefree Attitude Towards Possessions through the lens of Ron Sider’s challenging book, ‘Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger’ let me go back a paragraph to remind us where we are and then continue with words i hope you will wrestle with and share with your friends: = = = = = Matthew, Mark and Luke all recall the terrible warning: “How hard it is for those who [...]

Love Jesus, but be sure to wear shoes!

i was busy painting my block for the uThando leNkosi wall painting project as part of our 67 minutes and a bit for Mandela Day yesterday when things got a little interesting. A lady i had just met, assuming i guess, that we were a bunch of christians helping out with this project, decided to break some ice, by turning to those closest to her and asking, 'What church do you go to?' My friend [...]

By |2015-07-19T11:54:08+02:00July 19th, 2015|challenging thorts, church, God stuff|2 Comments

Houseboat Church

Just over a week ago, tbV and i spent five days on two houseboats with about 20 incredible people, mostly younger than me. Here are some of the guys: We lived together, we ate together, we read the bible and sang some worship songs together, we confessed some struggles and some sin and prayed for each other, we sat in silence for three hours and were just still and knew that He was God, we [...]

By |2015-07-05T11:42:22+02:00July 5th, 2015|activities, change the world, church, God stuff|1 Comment
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