God stuff

two kittens and a love for the church

sounds like the beginning of a cheesy christian greeting card... but it's not... more years ago than i can remember at will, i was hanging out with my friend sean tucker and he had just gotten two new kittens and i suggested names for them and Darth [the black one] and Catspurr [the friendly cat, and the white one] were born... wait, they had already been born but they were named... years later, sean and [...]

the royal wedding preach

my good friend patrick of cordery sent me a link to the preach at the wedding of william and kate yesterday which i sadly missed due to not wanting to watch it... but i'm really glad he did cos the words of this are phenomenal and really worth checking out or going and taking a read through again in case you were watching but a bit too caught up by lady gaga's hat... this is [...]

By |2011-04-30T13:25:28+02:00April 30th, 2011|God stuff, inspire-ations, marriage, relationships, world news|3 Comments

why church is a verb

a lot of people don't like the church - some people outright hate it [cos of things they've seen, experienced, heard about or feel the church has done to them], others are not fans [disillusioned, frustrated, confused, bored] while others just don't really care either way... i, on the other hand, love the church [as do many others and as does God which is always a good indicator] and i'm not talking about a specific [...]

By |2011-04-23T07:56:32+02:00April 23rd, 2011|church, God stuff, people|5 Comments

easter for dummies – part 2 – the save

so a quick recap then: # everyone has sinned and as the bible says "fallen short of the glory (or high standard) of God" # the wages/punishment/outcome of sin is death (both now in various areas, but also spiritually and eternally at the end) # on Easter Friday, the man many believed had come to save the world is lying stretched out on a cross, dying an agonising death. # one of the statements Jesus [...]

By |2011-04-22T09:11:22+02:00April 22nd, 2011|challenging thorts, God stuff, inspire-ations, life|3 Comments

easter for dummies – part 1 – the problem

so for anyone out there not familiar with the Christian faith, this is what this holiday is all about in the shell of a nut: # mankind is sinful - this is a pretty easy one to verify - read a newspaper, watch the news, hang out with yourself for a 24 hour period or anyone else that you like or specifically some people you don't - you don't need test tubes in a lab [...]

By |2011-04-22T09:09:52+02:00April 22nd, 2011|challenging thorts, God stuff, inspire-ations, life|0 Comments

not quite as simple, it seems

so yesterday's "this is what the andersons are going to be up to" bloggage received a lot more attention than i suspected it would, and pretty firmly divided into two groups of responses: those who knew us, who said nice things about us and wished us good times and most importantly got excited with us for this adventure that we are about to embark on those who don't know us who by and large said [...]

simple is the way

so after weeks and months it is finally official - the beautiful val and myself received an invite letter from the simple way to join them by 15 june to start a 19 month job slash ministry... for those of you who don't know anything about the simple way i suggest you get hold of a book called 'the irresistible revolution' by a guy called shane claiborne - one of my top three books ever [...]

By |2011-04-17T08:20:09+02:00April 17th, 2011|activities, change the world, church, God stuff, life|57 Comments

i believe! help me overcome my unbelief

my good friend and distant tag team buddy sean du toit sent me a link to this article titled 'As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God.' Very cool article and worth reading the whole thing but here is an excerpt: It inspired me, renewing my flagging faith in development charities. But travelling in Malawi refreshed another belief, too: one I've been trying to banish all my life, but an observation I've been unable [...]

love, prayer, feet

i've mentioned this site before but i'm still really enjoying the simple daily prayer thorts they put up there so if you looking for a place to help you meditate and reflect and prepare for prayer and for the day check out this daily prayer site commonprayer.net just some of the thorts on there today: When we love and learn to share : when we love, Christ is there. Elizabeth of the Trinity, a nineteenth-century [...]

trust God but have a, um no don't.

so me and tbV have been in a place of really trusting God for the future and for just general every day life and i haven't wanted to blog about a lot of it because when you start mentioning stuff and people start responding to 'save you from the crises' then it kinda cancels out a lot of the trust element... but i will say this. when you are trusting God and not having a [...]

By |2011-04-01T17:00:34+02:00April 1st, 2011|God stuff|5 Comments
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