
Noel Fielding, Wes Craven and How i Became an Accidental Murderer on the Weekend

tbV and i were watching 'The Big Fat Anniversary Quiz of the Year' last night as we had some internet to use up before the end of the month [and it all got eaten by the Invisible Internet-Data-Eating Monster] when suddenly Russel Brand and Noel Fielding [in top form in terms of doing fairly little resembling traditional quiz participation] had this moment where they caught a fly, who they named Chris, and then released it. They claimed [...]

Whose Taboo Topic is it anyway?

My favourite space on my blog is probably the Taboo Topics section where we look at topics rarely spoken about such as losing a baby or infertility, singleness or being a parent of young children when it's really really hard, abortion and adoption, issues of race and many more... with one exception these posts take the form of stories of real live people who put their names and faces on them to help make them more [...]

God called. He’d like His job back.

this has been quite an eventful week. WORLD VISION AND SAME SEX MARRIAGE World Vision made a dramatic did-they-really-not-expect-the-reaction-it-got decision involving allowing employees to be in same-sex marriages. the Evangelical response was strong with notable Christian speakers such as John Piper and Franklin Graham speaking out against the decision and many Christians apparently withdrawing support for World Vision and specifically for the children they support via World Vision. a day or two later World Vision does a [...]

Taboo Topics: Abortion – meet Irma Oosthuizen

When I started thinking about having children and even long before.. I would never have guessed that the word abortion would ever be part of my vocabulary. I am definitely pro-life, and have been an active advocate against abortions, even doing speeches and presentations on the matter. I always thought that it was a black and white issue, and I am sure that for most people it still might be… I kind of wish that [...]

Taboo Topics: Contents Page

Taboo Topics is a series dedicated to sharing stories from real live people [mostly who i know] on real life issues, situations or experiences that are seldom spoken about for various reasons. So far the topics that have been addressed [with links to all the stories] are the following: Abortion Addiction Adoption Cancer Dealing with the Grief of losing Someone you Love Eating Disorders Fostering a Child Infertility Living with Disabilities/Special Needs Losing a Baby [...]

Taboo Topics: Abortion [intro]

the purpose of Taboo Topics is dealing with some life issues that affect a lot of people but that are rarely if ever spoken about or into... and this topic, ABORTION, must be one of the hugest of those... what to a lot of people might seem like a black and white, right or wrong kind of topic suddenly becomes a lot more tricky and entangled when you talk about decisions that have to be [...]

By |2017-01-17T09:46:42+02:00August 15th, 2012|God stuff, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|6 Comments

Taboo Topics: Abortion – meet Dani

I read the post from the friend of yours who is still in so much pain over losing her baby and it made me feel so much less alone. She puts into words so much of how i'm feeling. Words that I haven't had for the last 7 months. I had an abortion. I never thought those words would apply to me. But they do. I desperately wanted my baby. But the doctors told me [...]

By |2012-08-15T05:28:16+02:00August 15th, 2012|God stuff, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|4 Comments

Taboo Topics: Abortion – meet ‘A’

one of the aims of the 'Taboo Topics' series was to have real people sharing real stories about topics that people don't speak a lot about - up til now i have had people share as themselves but i fully understand with a topic like this, that my friend did not feel comfortable sharing her name and i totally get that... so to those reading this, it is an anonymous story of someone who had [...]

By |2012-06-28T06:58:39+02:00June 28th, 2012|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|5 Comments

Taboo Topics: Abortion – meet 'A'

one of the aims of the 'Taboo Topics' series was to have real people sharing real stories about topics that people don't speak a lot about - up til now i have had people share as themselves but i fully understand with a topic like this, that my friend did not feel comfortable sharing her name and i totally get that... so to those reading this, it is an anonymous story of someone who had [...]

By |2012-06-28T06:58:39+02:00June 28th, 2012|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|5 Comments

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet James Bradford

i met James at an improv group class i sometimes attend in Philadelphia and he was the first one to jump into sharing his adoption story. even though the story is pretty hectic, it seems like James has somehow come through it really positively without having any major adoption issues. Thankx for sharing, James: Well basically I've known I'm adopted my whole life. It was never some shrouded family secret. In fact the entire process [...]

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