african american

Deep Diving with the African Americans

Wow! What an hour and a half. Just listened to this entertaining conversation on black and white racism in America by Michael Gungor and Science Mike who are in conversation with Propaganda and William Matthews on so many different aspects of race which, while focused specifically on Americaland, have so much to teach us and help open our eyes. It is a lot of fun as well as they banter well so if you have [...]

Taboo Topics: Race – Mixed Race Connections – Meet James Davis and Sherrell Nesmith

American-African meets African-American.   We met at university; both of us were on student leadership for our respective halls. Sherrell’s from Durham, NC. James is from Cape Town, South Africa (Well, mostly). Naturally, there are a lot of cultural differences we’ve discovered along the way. For starters, we have different likes and dislikes, some of them diametrically opposite each other, ranging from the superficial, like our tastes in music and to how we like to [...]

a racism by any other name…

two days ago my bossman Darin told me about this story where a dad had picked up his young kid in the laundromat and stuffed him in a washing machine and closed the door [presumably as a joke or to teach him a lesson] but once the door locked the washing machine jumped into life and they couldn't stop it or get him out until someone who worked at the place ran up and unplugged [...]

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