chris tomlin

On the search for South African worship vibes

What does it mean to worship as a South African? As an African? Is there any difference to worshipping in any other place in the world? We do tend to import our worship songs from Americaland [Bethel, Jesus Culture], the United Kingdom [Redman, Tomlin, Hughes] and Australia [Hillsongs, Planetshakers] and if worship is just worship then that should be fine, right? i posed this question and questions like it in this Facebook Live video that [...]

CD Giveaway: Chris Tomlin/Rend Collective

Who doesn't like FREE stuff, right? So let's jump straight to the point which is that i have the latest Chris Tomlin 3 cd collection [a combination of his See the Morning, Hello Love and Burning Lights cds] as well as the Rend Collective Mixtape [a new collection which combines some of your favourite Rend Collective songs]. Chris Tomlin, along with Matt Redman, must be one of the most consistent worship song writers of [...]

By |2017-07-24T09:20:06+02:00July 19th, 2017|music|6 Comments

The Passion of the Chris

Last night was the Passion 2016 Worship Conference in Cape Town. Earlier in the day i had been at a significant meeting with the young folks from Disrupting Whiteness which i reflected on in this somewhat controversially titled post, 'Sodomy: A South African Love Story' which reminded us of an earlier definition of Sodomy which was  that 'The people of Sodom pursued lives of careless ease and ignored the poor on their doorstep.' Which we see [...]

who would win a fight between matt redman [never once did we walk alone] and john ellis [formerly of tree63]?

i've been blogging for a little over two years now and i enjoy having a space to write my thorts or share my actions or be seriously silly or intriguingly insightful and a whole host of other stuff in between... and in that time it is the stuff i've written on relationships that has been the most widely read... so from 'How to Love Your Woman Better' to keys to 'having a good marriage [ideas [...]

never once did we walk alone [new matt redman]

i have met matt redman [worship leader, song writer] on two occasions - on the first i was a chop christian radio presenter trying to be clever and yet no matter how many times i asked him if he was a vegetable what would he be and what superpower he would dig to have, all matty wanted to do was speak about Jesus... the second time was at the Soul Survivor festival in Holland [and [...]

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