
Easter Sunday: a reflection

We have slowly moved from the pain of Good Friday, through the eerie silence of Easter Saturday to find ourselves present on Easter Sunday. My invitation to you on this day is to lean into the real and authentic, however that may look and feel for you. This is what it looks like for me: An Easter reflection: Easter reflection: "Jesus is risen - Hallelujah!" is the cry ringing out from the church around [...]

Good Friday: a reflection

A Good Friday reflection: A call to remain and lean into the pain that Good Friday speaks of before rushing too quickly to the joy of Resurrection Sunday. Because the pain is where too many people find themselves in the world and it is into that story that God reaches. Even Jesus, when confronted with a violent death asks if there is not another way. But then chooses to follow the path of pain & [...]

Forget potatoes, i want Faith like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This week i was super inspired and encouraged by a clip of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez i don't like to put people on pedestals. People will always let you down. For me, the only person i ever raise as the standard is Jesus Christ. And as much as my faith and religion have taken a bit of a beating these past few years [ironically as i started focusing more on matter of Justice and particularly race] [...]

By |2021-01-23T10:15:57+02:00October 14th, 2020|God stuff, inspire-ations, Justice, Justice issues|0 Comments

Before we blame God…

Some people are finding it hard to believe in God at the moment. During a pandemic that is threatening to wipe out so many people and cause a trail of destruction the notion of an all-loving, all-powerful God can feel completely absurd. Others are preaching that this is God's punishment on a world that has largely rejected God. Which is also a bitter pill to swallow. i have been wrestling with my faith in [...]

The Bad Habits of Jesus, part Dangerous

i am busy reading [and really enjoying] Leonard Sweet's 'The Bad Habits of Jesus'. People who know me well, will get that one of the reasons i am really enjoying it is because it is not a wade - the words are straightforward and simple even if the concepts are not. But today, when i've been feeling completely in a funk and when i was in desperate need of some inspiration and belief, i read [...]

Happy Jesus Day!

Happy Jesus day everybody.   i know [and understand] why a lot of you are not big fans of Christianity, but i encourage you to let go of all the negativity you feel towards it and the concept of God you might have [if it's a doesn't exist or vengeful wrathful angry God or uninterested puppetmaster or only loves white people or something else] and spend a little bit of time simply looking at Jesus... [...]

By |2016-12-25T06:46:42+02:00December 25th, 2016|inspire-ations, things to wrestle with|0 Comments

Easter Sunday: a re-new-ed hope

For followers of Jesus, today is the most important day. If Easter Sunday didn't happen, then everything we believe changes. Don't get me wrong, if Jesus had just been a good man who had come and lived the life He lived, i still think it would be worth following Him. The man who preached enemy love, who reached out and touched and spoke to and welcomed in the marginalised and the sick and the uninvited, [...]

By |2016-03-27T09:02:00+02:00March 27th, 2016|God stuff, inspire-ations|1 Comment

Jesus Feminist: Part Unwelcome Questions

So i recently finished reading the book Jesus Feminist by one of my favourite writery people, Sarah Bessey and thought i should share some of the highlight/challenging/interesting moments for me: In chapter three, titled 'Tangled-Up Roots', Sarah starts the chapter with this great George Carlin quote: Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist And then, speaking from a time when she was employed full-time and realising that women's ministry was largely aimed [...]

A Good Day To Die

When Jesus walked the earth, He called many people to follow Him. And the crowds showed up. He spoke Truth and Life. He reached out to those at the margins, which in His day included women and children, Samaritans [the foreigner], the diseased and more... He performed miracles... He saved lives people were wanting to kill and He even raised some people from the dead. And the crowds cheered and pushed to get closer to [...]

The Koeksuster of Faith [or What Happens when i doubt?] – part II

So yesterday i took a bit of a look at the idea of doubt from the perspective of being someone who is a follower of Jesus. Is it okay to doubt? Is doubt helpful? Should we be overly worried if there is a lot of doubt in our lives? Sadly, i was not able to arrive at a simple tick-the-box solution. This area seems to be a bit of a complex one. Which is okay. [...]

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