
Married People Tips: The Summary [40 in one post]

For the last 40ish days i have been dropping one tip to help you 'I do' better and so now we have a collection of 40 Tips to help married people improve their marriage. For the journey through a more in-depth look at each tip, you can start over here... But for those of you who have journeyed with me, i thought it might be helpful to have all 40 tips summarised into a line [...]

By |2018-12-15T09:16:45+02:00December 15th, 2018|love and chocolate, marriage, relationships|1 Comment

Married People Tips #31-35

Some more marriage advice for you as we head into our final ten: Marriage Tip #31 Walk. Now i imagine there will be varying degrees of this for different people. i also imagine some couples will roll their eyes and instantly dismiss this because walking (and that's not your vibe). But i would suggest (with less exceptions than people who think they are the exceptions) that the amount you collectively enjoy walking or not should [...]

By |2018-12-10T11:35:35+02:00December 10th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Married People Tips #1-5

Married People Tip #1 Find things to do together. Find things to do apart. Either of these extremes can be detrimental to a marriage and the balance will no doubt differ between marriages but typically i imagine there are some things you will find that you love to do together [for us that includes boardgames, weekend walks, certain series, challenging conversations, dressing up crazy to meet people at airports] and other things that you prefer [...]

By |2018-11-11T22:42:16+02:00November 6th, 2018|inspire-ations, love and chocolate, marriage|6 Comments

Meeting Skillet face to face: What question will you ask?

It started with great timing and a Facebook status i stumbled upon: Skillet play at Freedom Festival 27 april, Cape Town Ostrich farm. Want to win tickets from me?? Now to give this some perspective, Skillet have for the longest time been my bonus favourite band... for many years of my life i listed four bands as my top 4: U2, Coldplay, R.E.M., Tree63 and then Skillet was next in line. So understudy in case any of [...]

By |2015-04-14T00:13:37+02:00April 14th, 2015|activities, and other animals., music|0 Comments

How much sex in marriage?

So i got this comment at the bottom of the recent 'Singleness' Taboo Topic posted and approved it and started replying, but then thought that responding to 'How much sex in marriage?' on a Singleness post might be stretching the boundaries of love and sensitivity and so i decided to deal with is directly as a separate post... [singles are welcome to read, because maybe this will help]. So the comment i received is below, [...]

By |2016-12-02T16:20:19+02:00April 22nd, 2013|challenging thorts, love and chocolate, marriage|0 Comments

One way to love your spouse better – Brett Fish [Love them in the best way they receive it]

one story tbV [the beautiful Val] enjoys telling is how after a month of us dating she had a bedside drawer full of chocolate... why is this significant? well, i spent a lot of time giving tbV chocolate as a way of showing i loved her, but she is not a big fan of chocolate, preferring sour sweets instead and so basically i invested a month or so in making Val's housemate very happy. i [...]

One way to love your spouse better – Richard Erasmus [listening better]

my friend, Rich Erasmus, has been married for seventeen years to his lovely wife Cindy, and has some nuggets of wisdom to share with us in the area of one way you can love your spouse better: 'I would say one of the most important ways that I have “learned to love my wife better”, is through a technique I was introduced to during an “Imago” course. Bottom line … I learned to listen to [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Kate Hurley [aka The Sexy Celibate]

My friend Jess is a beautiful, single blonde girl who has been a missionary in Italy for 10 years and is the same age as me. One day, an Italian woman, let’s call her Mamma Carmen, came up to her with a little charm necklace that had a picture of a saint on it.“What’s this?” asked Jess. (Cue in accent of Italian mama who doesn’t speak much English) “A necklace for you. A picture of [...]

One way to love your spouse better – Dalene Reyburn [the next right thing]

my friend Dalene, who is an incredible bloggist, has been married for 8 and a half years and this is a pearl of wisdom she has to share with us in terms of one way to love your marriage partner better: 'My husband stares into other women’s eyes all day. It’s his job. But when he’s done with corneas and optic nerves he comes home and tells me sweet somethings and whispers wonder and holds [...]

How to Love your husband/wife better: The Parts

these are a series of posts i am sharing that i have taken from a series called 'How to Love your Woman/Man better' from a while back and also a series titled 'One way to Love your spouse better' that i ran more recently [with the input of some friends] - there are many incredible gems here that can help you as you look to contribute to a healthy and thriving marriage and i hope [...]

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