
Confronting Whiteness with Asanda, Hani and Megan

Anti-racism work with friends beats anti-racism work by yourself.  Since returning from America with the absolute determination to confront my own racism and try to make a difference in South Africa this work really has been a key factor in my life. And Megan Choritz has been one of my friends who has helped really shape my thinking and understanding and doing. Part of that makes a lot of sense as she has been [...]

Belated Word/Phrase for the Year 2021

My word for 2021 is Curiosity! Every year i pick a word or phrase for the year.  Looking back to 2019 i can see that my word for that year was Stewardship and as i read through the list of attached goals and hopes i can see that most of them were achieved. But then we entered 2020... i remember last year tbV and i were nearing the end of our two month trip [...]

Black people can – and cannot – be racist!

i have found that racism definitions can often create a bit of a problem... Can a black person be racist? Yes, absolutely. And also, no, not at all!  This question comes up a lot and i'm not sure i have actually answered it on my blog but i thought it might be helpful to at least give it a try. This is how i understand this question. Two Definitions The biggest problem which i [...]

By |2021-02-02T11:19:13+02:00February 2nd, 2021|Justice, South Africa, tricky things, Words and things|3 Comments

Sharing is Blaring.

Yes, yes, i know what you're thinking - "Sharing is CARING, Brett!" - and that's true. Teaching kids to share can be one of the greatest lessons we can give them - actually teaching adults to share would be an amazing accomplishment and sort out many of the world's problems. But i want to suggest a new way of thinking about this, especially when it comes to the internet. Sharing is Blaring. Blare: to [...]

It’s time to hold [y]our leaders to account!

The appearance of diversity means close to nothing if the voices at the mic, those making the decisions and the hands at the money bag continue to be white. i have just seen another Conference line-up for a national denominational conference in South Africa in 2020 where out of five speakers, one of them is black and i believe he is the only one from South Africa. In a country where white people make [...]

By |2021-01-23T10:19:32+02:00September 28th, 2020|#NotOnOurWatch, Justice, Justice issues, shtupidt people|0 Comments

What are you feeding your eyes?

i wonder what words and images you feed your eyes every day? The very best of presence A few years ago my sister-in-law Ro gave me one of the best Christmas presents ever. A selection of beautifully framed quotes on different aspects of Justice. These quotes live on the walls of my Man Cave* which means that most days when i sit in my Man Cave i am reading quotes such as these: [*Not [...]

By |2021-01-23T10:20:01+02:00September 14th, 2020|inspire-ations, Justice, Justice issues|0 Comments

Poem: The dust

I quickened my pace As I hurried home More excited than normal To make it on time For my nightly appointment A story-telling date With my youngest daughter That I always hated to miss But tonight would be extra special Did I have a story for her? I set the scene with great dramatic effect There I was at the edge of the crowd Minding my own business Listening to the Teacher When suddenly [...]


i speak a lot about #NotOnOurWatch and thought it deserved a post. Interrupting Racism As a white person, i hold to a daily #NotOnOurWatch commitment when it comes to racism. This is a commitment i make every morning when i get up to interrupt racism wherever i see it. There are a few things that come to mind: Every Day - not simply when i feel like it, which is not a lot of [...]

What does Jesus have to do with Justice?

They don't like swearing in the church! Well, not in a lot of churches in i know. And i'm not talking about the 'F' word either. i am talking about the 'S' word. Saying that can get you into a LOT of trouble. That's right, while 'Fund-raising' is a perfectly acceptable - some might say 'Holy' - term, and can happen through a variety of methods such as tithes and offerings or even a [...]

By |2021-02-01T11:12:43+02:00June 15th, 2020|God stuff, Justice, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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