
A Christmas Carol Parody Music Video story…

Make a Christmas Carol Parody Lockdown Music Video, they said. It will be fun, they said. Okay, so no-one actually suggested i make a Christmas Carol Parody Lockdown Music Video and it actually was quite a lot of fun and especially hearing and reading people's comments and feedback has been quite delightful to this point, but still. What was i thinking? With an extremely sore neck [Danny Glover in 'Lethal Weapon' was right!] and [...]

By |2021-01-23T09:58:59+02:00December 23rd, 2020|fun, me vibes, music, silly things|0 Comments

5 Ways to Improve your World during Lockdown

Are you ready to improve your world? We are all responding to lockdown in different ways. But some people are really using this time well, as they have the means and the capacity. So i wanted to share a few ideas for you to consider [and pass on - please consider hitting SHARE and inviting your people to join in as well]. Some you might already be doing, but maybe there is something here [...]

By |2020-07-07T13:18:47+02:00July 7th, 2020|#NotOnOurWatch, 40 Tips, activities, inspire-ations|3 Comments

Reflections on a president’s speech: Whose Lang was it anyway?

South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation last night. As he did - and this is not for the first time - i felt a sense of pride, the feeling of being led, a deep respect for the humility that was shown when he spoke about government miscommunicating and making mistakes, confusing messages, and contradictions. While he spoke, i jumped on to Facebook and simply wrote this: Such humility coming from Cyril Ramaphosa... [...]

Life during Lockdown: meet Alexa Russell Matthews

It's been so good hearing from different people during our Life during Lockdown series. It is the chance of my friend Alexa to finish it off for now: Alexa is a mom to two busy boys, wife to a great guy and a social worker.  Being outside makes her happiest but her big passion really is that people know that they matter.  What has lockdown been like so far? It’s been a juggle: of [...]

By |2020-05-11T07:56:33+02:00May 11th, 2020|South Africa, stories|2 Comments

Life during Lockdown: Meet Kat Gensicke

The stories about Life during Lockdown continue to come and today we have the reflections and experiences of Kat Gensicke: My name is Katharina Lindiwe Gensicke and I am a 23-year-old, German-South African social developmental activist and student working in the digital education sector. [1] What has been your experience of lockdown so far? I live at home with my parents, younger brother and 2 dogs. Fortunately, I am still be able to continue [...]

By |2020-05-07T06:55:56+02:00May 7th, 2020|South Africa, stories, thorts of other people|0 Comments

Life during Lockdown [as a child]: Meet Mika’il and Batman

Welcome to Life during Lockdown with a bit of a twist. i asked some parents to post the same questions to their children and here are some of their responses: My friend Beben Cadman sent this: my nephew Mika'il's response. He is six: Question 1: What has your experience of lockdown been so far? Good, lot of stuff to do at home. Question 2: What are some of the ways that you have felt [...]

By |2020-05-07T07:01:33+02:00May 6th, 2020|South Africa, stories, thorts of other people|0 Comments

Life during Lockdown: Meet Yvonne de la Rey Smith

As we continue with our series looking at Life during Lockdown, let me invite Yvonne to introduce herself: My name is Yvonne (de la Rey) Smith and I am a wife, mother, aunt, daughter, sister, friend, educator, motivator, awakener, comedian, singer and general everything! [1] What has been your experience of lockdown so far? It was very daunting at the onset. I did not know what to expect – I am a planner by [...]

By |2020-05-06T09:02:59+02:00May 1st, 2020|South Africa, stories|0 Comments

Life during Lockdown: Meet Mary-Louise

Continuing a series inviting people to share some thoughts about Life during Lockdown: My name is Mary and I am a wife, mother of 3, social worker and data analyst. I work as a financial aid analyst in the welfare space. Question 1: What has your experience of lockdown been so far? For our little family, the lockdown experience has been a real reminder of our privilege. We have a large house with uncapped [...]

By |2020-04-30T07:45:09+02:00April 29th, 2020|South Africa, stories|0 Comments

Life during Lockdown: Meet Juliet Paulse

Continuing with our stories and reflections from people describing their life during lockdown experience. Yesterday we heard from Debbie Hutton and today we are moving on to my friend Juliet: My Name is Jules (Juliet) and I am a lover of Jesus and people and currently an extrovert potentially transitioning into an introvert.  [1] My experience of lockdown so far? My experience during lockdown has had its good days and not so good days. [...]

By |2020-04-29T17:08:54+02:00April 28th, 2020|South Africa, stories|0 Comments

Life during Lockdown: Intro

What has Life during Lockdown been like? After a conversation with a friend of mine who happens to be a doctor, i came up with this idea. Simply ask for some South Africans who would be up to answering four simple questions around how they have experienced Lockdown so far. They were tasked with providing me with a one-sentence bio of whatever they would like to put in it, a photo of themselves of [...]

By |2020-05-11T07:55:40+02:00April 26th, 2020|South Africa, stories|0 Comments
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