
Ten Ways to Love part X: Pray without ceasing.

so this is the last of the ten ways to Love and it might be good to mention again that i got these on a list and just expounded on them - this was originally number 4 but i bumped it to the end, not because it is any less important but because the others were more relevant to everyone whereas this one is specific to people of faith... Colossians 1.9 reads, 'For this reason, [...]

celebrating failure?

yesterday tbV and i attended the wedding of some friends we have made in americaland, namely Kristin and the Beatles [as i call Matt, cos to me he looks like 2 or more of the Beatles rolled into one] and had a really fun time. the wedding was outside and the highlight of the event [apart from all of the wedding-related stuff of course] was this young flowergirl who completely messed up her job and [...]

When my “Yes!” sounds like a “No!”

i love my wife, the beautiful Val, i really do, and when i love her well, i think i love her really, really well, but when i love her badly, i can REALLY suck at it... one way i have becoming increasingly more aware of doing this is by giving her a "yes" to a question that she asks or a request she makes for me to do something, that sounds a lot more like [...]

the relationship series: links from dating through to marriage and beyond…

i have posted some different series recently on the topic of relationships, ranging from dating to marriage, which have been very popular and so i thort i would stick all the links on one page to make them all more easily accessible, so choose what is for you and feel free to share and pass around: 'i kissed dating' series looking at different aspects of dating but also where are all the good christian men/women? [...]

i kissed dating: the parts

i have recently been collating some of my archived blogs on various aspects of relationship and so here are a bunch of different thorts and ideas related to DATING largely by me but also from a friend or two of mine - hope they give you a fresh and inspiring picture of some different aspects when it comes to DATING: i kissed dating, part number one thing Dating Q & A: where have all the [...]

How to save a marriage [before you need to] – the parts

if you are a single person, then embrace that, completely. hope to be married if that is your dream, but be absolutely content with where you are and living in it, til the opportunity arises. don’t live where you’re not. if you are a married person, then embrace that, completely. be content with what you have, while always striving for more. if you are not constantly working at your marriage, then you may soon discover [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Sueihn Lee

[Sueihn was our housemate at the Simple Way - she has been an absolute pleasure to live with and it has been incredible to watch her connect with people and especially children on the block as well as with churches and organisations in the area - i tag teamed with her on Mondays to share lemonade with the people in the food lines as well as talk to and pray with them - i am [...]

How to Love your husband/wife better: The Parts

these are a series of posts i am sharing that i have taken from a series called 'How to Love your Woman/Man better' from a while back and also a series titled 'One way to Love your spouse better' that i ran more recently [with the input of some friends] - there are many incredible gems here that can help you as you look to contribute to a healthy and thriving marriage and i hope [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Sammi Taylor

So I’ve been putting off writing this for a while ever since Brett asked a few weeks…ok maybe months ago now. For many reasons I didn’t feel ready to write this and to be honest it’s still something I don’t feel quite equipped to write. Not because I know nothing about singleness…ha! But because the emotions and stages and experience changes daily and is sometimes hard to pin down and describe. I have been single [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness [Intro]

SINGLENESS is a topic that usually does not get addressed well, if at all. There was a time when particularly within the catholic church the focus was on singleness as the way to have reached it - nuns and monks and the gift of celibacy were the way to go and being single meant you were seen as more spiritual and closer to God and there were bible passages that could be used to 'back [...]

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