
Veg, please!

The idea of a meat-free diet terrified me. Because, first and foremost, bacon is a form of meat, and i love my bacon. But also it's just been one of those things that has always been around and most of my favourite dishes - shepherds pie, roast chicken and roast potatoes, steak mash and peas, spaghetti bolognaise - all contain meat. The America Effect When we lived in America for three years though, [...]

Pretty Frys for a white guy: Teriyaki Prawn Stir Fry

A little while ago i wrote about a breakfast meeting i had with Brett [great name] from Frys. He gave me a bunch of their products and i said i'd attempt to cook some up and blog about the experience and invited a bunch of people to join me. While i didn't quite get up to speed with inviting people cos life is so rush-rush busy, tbV and i decided last night to try out [...]

By |2016-09-06T11:57:35+02:00September 6th, 2016|activities, Food and foodlike things|0 Comments

Pretty Fry’s for a white guy

i had breakfast with myself this morning. Well that's not entirely true, but the big bearded man who sat across me also goes by the name of Brett [Thompson] and he is a living legend. He also is a vegan, but wait, before you start throwing things, just hear me out for a little bit. i met Brett through my wild pink-haired You Tube legend of a friend Grant Hinds [go check out his stuff here, [...]

The Honey(melon)moon is over: Meat-free weak.

So let me begin by saying this, "I really LOVE meat!" For the last, wow, must be almost two years?, my wife tbV and i have been doing our best to do a week of normal eating [as in what we're used to, which is not a crazy amount of meat actually] followed by a meat-free week. But we were chatting last night and realised [or confessed] that we don't find it all that easy. [...]

I ate vegan and live to tell the tale.

A couple of weeks ago tbV and i were invited to a vegan function with Frys. It took place last night at the stunning ginger & lime kitchen and so at 6.30pm we nervously approached what, to be honest, we were not super excited about... the prospect of free food when it's vegan is like saying to me: Hey Brett, have a cookie - it has raiSINs in... We had also sampled the Fry's veg patties once before [...]

So You Think You Can Veg too? [More inspiring meal plans and recipes]

With the Meat-Free challenge just a week away [Can you go ONE whole week without eating meat?] i posted a series of food plan ideas and recipes for those of you who were left shell-shocked by the mere suggestion… but on the off chance that that was not enough – and for those of us doing regular Meat-Free Mondays or like tbV and myself at the moment alternating weeks with meat on and meat off [...]

Of Bacon and Vegetarians and looking after our little planet…

i saw this picture of a giant stack of bacon on Facebook the other day: And fortunately someone hadn't yet shared this particular piece on my wall [although give it time] but it still made me a little angry. It had the message "Tag someone you know who would eat this" and fortunately no one had yet, because you know what? i would not eat that much bacon. Gasp! Shock! Horror! WHAT? Surely you jest? [...]

Taboo Topics: Vegetarianism – Meet Abi Ornellis

Why I’m [kind of, mostly] a vegetarian. Let me start off by saying that I like eating animals. In my early university days, I probably ate a bacon sandwich at least four times a week. This was on top of my regular meat-with-every-meal intake. I come from an Italian family. Growing up in South Africa, these two cultural combinations meant that meat was always very high on the meal priority list. But it has been [...]

Pearls before Killing

As you all know by now, Pearls Before Swine is my favourite comic strip and if you ever have some time to enrich, you can take a look at a whole bunch of the cartoons i have shared over here. And usually he is just random or clever or biting cynically silly fun, but every now and then he draws a strip which makes you stop and go, "Wo!" and maybe even think for a [...]

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