
Veg, please!

The idea of a meat-free diet terrified me. Because, first and foremost, bacon is a form of meat, and i love my bacon. But also it's just been one of those things that has always been around and most of my favourite dishes - shepherds pie, roast chicken and roast potatoes, steak mash and peas, spaghetti bolognaise - all contain meat. The America Effect When we lived in America for three years though, [...]

Pretty Fry’s for a white guy

i had breakfast with myself this morning. Well that's not entirely true, but the big bearded man who sat across me also goes by the name of Brett [Thompson] and he is a living legend. He also is a vegan, but wait, before you start throwing things, just hear me out for a little bit. i met Brett through my wild pink-haired You Tube legend of a friend Grant Hinds [go check out his stuff here, [...]

The Honey(melon)moon is over: Meat-free weak.

So let me begin by saying this, "I really LOVE meat!" For the last, wow, must be almost two years?, my wife tbV and i have been doing our best to do a week of normal eating [as in what we're used to, which is not a crazy amount of meat actually] followed by a meat-free week. But we were chatting last night and realised [or confessed] that we don't find it all that easy. [...]

So You Think You Can Veg too? [More inspiring meal plans and recipes]

With the Meat-Free challenge just a week away [Can you go ONE whole week without eating meat?] i posted a series of food plan ideas and recipes for those of you who were left shell-shocked by the mere suggestion… but on the off chance that that was not enough – and for those of us doing regular Meat-Free Mondays or like tbV and myself at the moment alternating weeks with meat on and meat off [...]

So You Think You Can Veg? [Meal plan optiontunities for one meat-free week]

The other day i stuck up a short video clip on the net inviting people to the challenge of ONE week with no meat. And a lot of you put your hands up and said we can do this [one of you said he thought he could manage a week without veg!] So the challenge is to join us in a week’s time [Week of Monday 24th August] when tbV and i enter our 4th [...]

Of Bacon and Vegetarians and looking after our little planet…

i saw this picture of a giant stack of bacon on Facebook the other day: And fortunately someone hadn't yet shared this particular piece on my wall [although give it time] but it still made me a little angry. It had the message "Tag someone you know who would eat this" and fortunately no one had yet, because you know what? i would not eat that much bacon. Gasp! Shock! Horror! WHAT? Surely you jest? [...]

Taboo Topics: Vegetarianism – Meet Lameez Omarjee

I used to be a vegetarian Back in 2013, I decided to become a vegetarian. I followed a meat-free diet for a solid year. I didn’t stick to it because I never had a good reason for becoming a vegetarian in the first place. There were circumstances that lead me to the decision, but none of them were strong convictions. 1. It was my fourth year in res and I was tired of figuring out [...]

Taboo Topics: Vegetarianism – Meet Mary Twin Enslin

10 things vegetarians are sick of hearing / your vegetarian friends want you to know I became a vegetarian on my ninth birthday. This usually elicits shock and the assumption that I am vegetarian because of my family / culture / religious beliefs. But, no – I was just a child who was interested in where my food came from and when I knew the facts eating meat (read meat, fish, poultry) didn’t make sense [...]

Taboo Topics: Vegetarianism – Meet Amy Benn

My journey into vegetarianism started how I imagine it did for many other people. I sat (in my case in my school’s hall) watching a documentary on chicken farming. I was horrified. I had always suspected that this sort of this was happening to the animals we eat but I had never seen it first-hand. After watching this movie I went home and told my already over-worked parents that I was now a vegetarian. They [...]

Taboo Topics: Vegetarianism – Meet Abi Ornellis

Why I’m [kind of, mostly] a vegetarian. Let me start off by saying that I like eating animals. In my early university days, I probably ate a bacon sandwich at least four times a week. This was on top of my regular meat-with-every-meal intake. I come from an Italian family. Growing up in South Africa, these two cultural combinations meant that meat was always very high on the meal priority list. But it has been [...]

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