
“Weekly Photo Challenge: (Illumination)”

one of my favourite pics ever! some friends of mine ran a worship camp in the middle of a farm in Namibia and i was part of helping put the thing together - one of the best aspects was being out of cellphone contact and apart from some electricity for instruments it was amazing to be almost completely 'unplugged' for the four days of camping [knowing that hot water could be boiled on the fire [...]

Weekly Photo Challenge: (Resolved)

i really like this picture of me and the reason i chose it for this particular challenge is the idea of casting a wider shadow. the past 18 months i spent as part of a non-profit organisation called the Simple Way which in some cases meant a broadening of shadow as i was given the potential to influence [to some extent] an organisation that is world-known and has an extended sphere of influence and audience... [...]

By |2013-01-06T13:35:15+02:00January 6th, 2013|challenges, God stuff, life, people, relationships|1 Comment

a kiss before dying

my cousin Laura died two days ago. she was 30. recently married. then cancer reared its ugly head. absolute tragedy. just before she went into hospital i did get to send her an email and let her know that i loved her and was praying for her and her family and hoping for a miracle from God [which sadly never happened, not how i was hoping anyways] so it was really sad, but there was [...]

One way to make your mark [in the ongoing journey of the andersons]

So yesterday i wrote a post sharing a deeper glimpse into the future life, work and ministry of the andersons over here - we will be joining a non-profit called Relational Tithe with a working platform called Common Change which, in a very big nutshell, gathers resources from a group of people and then uses them to meet advocated needs from people within the group. It is a very exciting project and both Valerie and [...]

By |2012-12-24T11:26:10+02:00December 24th, 2012|activities, challenges, change the world, God stuff, relationships|0 Comments

“Weekly Photo Challenge: (Surprise)”

i think Freddy Mercury said it best when he sang, "Can anybody find meeeeeeeee, some bunny to love." at first glance this may not seem to fully encompass the theme of 'Surprise' but what if i told you that your name was the beautiful Val [tbV] and it was around 2 in the morning and you had gone to sleep after a bit of a rough evening and been woken up to this friendly bunny [...]

Weekly Photo Challenge: (delicate)

nope, i just couldn't do it. narrowed my selection down to two and was trying to pick the photo that best represents 'Delicate' to me, but really could not choose between these two, so decided i had to share them both. what strikes me about the selection is the two completely different interpretations of the challenge that are presented: the first one is a picture of our Christmas tree star: "not a star?" i hear [...]

sad brett and the malicious facebook status update.

brett is sad. he has just read another facebook status of someone who has clearly had a dispute with a friend of theirs. instead of going directly to that person, face to face, one on one and with much hope, love and positive anticipation seeking restoration of the friendship, and a righting of the wrong, that person has decided to air their frustration and anger publically for everyone to see. another cringeworthy facebook status. brett [...]

Weekly Photo Challenge: (reflections)

picture within a picture at first glimpse, this seems like an inappropriate picture to stick under the label of 'Reflections' as it is just a sideways portrait of a very sexy man [slash pre-dreadlocked me, some years ago] but what i like about this picture, is the double take that happens if you give it a moment and are drawn to the reflection that sits quietly, minding its own business, waiting for you in the [...]

By |2012-11-30T12:59:48+02:00November 30th, 2012|activities, challenges, poems and other creativity|1 Comment

You 'gif' love… a bad name!

aka "Frankly my dear, i don't gif!"... i was asked the question: are animated GIFs the stuff of junior high-school hijinks or, are they the political cartoons of the new millenium? What do you think? i think this angel shooting an arrow into a pink butt might be significant in helping us come up with an answer to this one... if you have to ask me my professional opinion [and by "professional opinion" i mean [...]

By |2012-11-26T22:52:08+02:00November 26th, 2012|and other animals., challenges, humour'ish, silly things|1 Comment

Weekly Photo Challenge: (thankful)

i am thankful that i get to journey through the adventure of a life to the full life with this beautiful lady, my wife Valerie aka tbV [the beautiful Val] and as i always say, 'Marriage to the right person is one of the most wonderful things in the world.' hold my hand... walk with me... [For the previous Photo Challenge on the theme of 'Inspiration' click here]

By |2012-11-24T15:57:53+02:00November 24th, 2012|challenges|1 Comment
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