Christmas for Parentals
i asked some of my parentals of young children friends on Facebook to share some creative ideas they have done or hope to do with their children and this is some of the response: […]
i asked some of my parentals of young children friends on Facebook to share some creative ideas they have done or hope to do with their children and this is some of the response: […]
Continuing the march towards Christmas with some more Creative Ideas from a bunch of you and the hope that you and your family or friends might find something new to experiment with or even take on as a new Christmas tradition: […]
Okay, so WELCOME to my new ongoing series where i ask a WHAT IF question and invite you to respond, and possibly say a few things myself, or not. Today’s question and the first of the series is WHAT IF CHRISTMAS WAS NOT ALL ABOUT ME? […]
This will be the last share of the chapter from Ron Sider’s super-challenging book, ‘Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger’ [do yourselves a favour and get hold of a copy and let it ruin you in the best of ways!] We ended the last post with: The threat of a curse always accompanied the promise of blessing […]
So the other day i posted this post about my Grinchiness [or lack thereof] which highlighted that it is not so much Christmas that i don’t like, but how crazy over-the-top consumeristic it is, which in the face of so many people living without in the world, feels pretty horrific. […]
Christmas is coming! For different people that means different things. i like to start referring to myself as ‘The Grinch’ as Christmas approaches, but it’s not entirely true. […]
As we continue to seek out A Carefree Attitude Towards Possessions through the lens of Ron Sider’s challenging book, ‘Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger’ let me go back a paragraph to remind us where we are and then continue with words i hope you will wrestle with and share with your friends: = = = = = Matthew, Mark and Luke all recall the terrible warning: “How hard it is for those who [...]
Continuing the passage i am sharing from the Ron Sider book, ‘Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger’, i’ll back up one paragraph just to remind us where we were: = = = = = If there are poor people who need assistance, Jesus’ carefree disciple will help – even if that means selling possessions. People are vastly more important than property. “Laying up treasure in heaven” means exactly the same thing. “In Jewish literature, [...]
The past two weeks have been an incredible time. Yes, some of the conversations on Social Media got a little aggro, but there were also some really incredible interactions, both online and off and it feels like the #FeesMustFall movement and events really got a lot of people thinking. And introduced many new people to some of the conversations we have been having on Privilege and Restitution and Racism and more. There were a number [...]
So much good stuff happening all over the internet the last two weeks in terms of helping us understand some of the challenges we are facing. i stumbled upon this in the Warehouse’s most recent newsletter and wanted to share it with you as some really practical steps for moving forwards together. These steps apparently emerged from a conversation between Linda Martindale, Caroline Powell and my wife, tbV [the beautiful Val]. We have heard a [...]