shtupidt people

It’s time to get angry

Is it ever okay to be angry? In this book i am reading, there is a line that jumped out at me: In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Now the second part might seem a little foreign to you, because maybe you don't believe in the devil, so let's leave that for a moment. In fact, the [...]

H&M: some thoughts on the boy in the hoodie

This is a post for all those of you who have seen the original H & M advert of the little black boy wearing the hoodie with the slogan 'Coolest Monkey in the Jungle' on it. He was pictured next to a white boy who had the slogan 'Survival Expert' on his hoodie. Because it seems like this is still being discussed, and because a whole lot of white people seem not to understand why [...]

Open letter to Ster Kinekor about why you suck so much!

[*Disclaimer: this blog post can only be read in 3D, so please deposit R20 in my Paypal account before reading further ] Dear Ster Kinekor Overlords, I'm just going to assume you have given yourselves that title, because it would be a missed opportunity if not, with the way you treat the general masses. I watched 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' last night and Spoiler Alert: Watching it in 3D SUCKED! I woke up this morning [...]

By |2017-12-15T08:09:13+02:00December 15th, 2017|#NotOnOurWatch, activities, shtupidt people|5 Comments

Be Kind, yes but to who?

Can't we all just be a little more kind to people online? And maybe offline too..? i would say, "Yes, absolutely!" But also, "No!" Well, i mean kinda, but probably not in the way you understand Kindness. Because often when somebody posts an inspirational or challenging message like this, what they are actually wanting people to be is nice. And it isn't super helpful to confuse Kind with Nice. Exhibit A Your three-year-old kid is [...]

Some thoughts about wearing black on Monday for the farmers

Today's Facebook status with regards to the #BlackMonday in response to farm murders has garnered a lot of attention. This is what i wrote: Anytime someone is murdered it is a tragedy. But, if you are concerned about the farm murders to the point of wanting to wear black for the victims, but have never considered wearing black for the black, coloured or indian victims of murder [which check your statistics, are all being killed [...]

The Better Coloured: some thoughts from Terence Mentor

i asked me friend Terence if he would share some thoughts about the concept of 'The Better Coloured' and he came up with these: “Yeah, but you’re one of the good ones” My friend and I were standing under a tree trying to escape the summer heat during break-time. He had been talking about those “gangsters” and “kak okes” of the school – the Coloureds. Luckily for me, I, with my meekness and my white [...]

The Better Coloured/Black/Indian

i first heard the term 'the better black' from a friend of mine who i am hoping will share a bit of her story for this series at some stage. It was shared in the context of her being part of a church congregation that looked very diverse on the outside but where she felt pressure to look and behave in ways acceptable to white people so as to fit in. Phrases like; "You speak [...]

#NotOnOurWatch II: Tattoo man vs car guard

Having spoken about and encouraged the #NotOnOurWatch hashtag commitment for probably over a year now, i just had my second big encounter [you can read about the first one here], which i wrote about on Facebook: Climb out of my car at Canal Walk to see this decently large tattooed white guy swearing at a smaller foreign black man car guard cos of some entitled not-getting-the-information-he-was-looking-for nonsense so I shouted at him and walked over [...]

Philandro Castile, Imizamo Yethu and the uneven choice

'Once again, police get away with murder.'  Those are the words Julia Wallace used to begin this article she wrote about the murder of Philandro Castile and the subsequent "Not Guilty" acquittal of Jeromino Yanez, the police offer who clearly panicked [if you have watched the horrific video of the shooting], killing him in front of his girlfriend and four year old daughter in a car. Everything in the incident seems to give unequivocal evidence as [...]

Their houses will be turned over to others.

Let there be peace! Most weeks when life is not too crazy i send out an email message called 'Thort For The Week'. Basically a sermon/message/thought for the week that relates to God and following Jesus or wrestling with some aspect of faith. This week i asked my friend Ashley Visagie if i could use a Facebook status he wrote as my thort and he said yes... but when i looked up the passage he had [...]

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