
A new Brand of Recovery – some final encouragement to buy the book.

i have now finally finished reading Russell Brand's latest book, 'Recovery - Freedom from our Addictions' and can highly recommend it. Whether you feel like you are addicted or not. There is a helpful understanding that is gained around addicts who might be people you know, as well as just some generally helpful life wisdom from a very unique perspective. Russell Brand is not everyone's cup of tea, but you are doing yourself a disservice [...]

By |2018-09-13T13:33:27+02:00September 13th, 2018|inspire-ations, thorts of other people, what i am reading|1 Comment

A new Brand of Recovery – some more thoughts

In case you missed it, i am still busy reading Russell Brand, his latest book: Recovery - Freedom from our Addictions. i shared some passages from the early part of the book over here and wanted to give you a little more of a glimpse to encourage you to get your hands on it. Russell is busy working through the Twelve Step Plan to overcoming addiction and giving his own personal spin and journey to [...]

A new Brand of Recovery

Walking through the airport on the way to Durban, i spotted Russel Brand's new book 'Recovery - Freedom from our Addictions' in Exclusive Books. And promptly bought it to read on the plane and beyond. i am a HUGE Russel Brand fan. i think he is highly underrated and that a lot of his wisdom is often missed or dismissed due to his incredible in-your-face persona which many find jarring. But from his comedy to [...]

Taboo Topics: Addiction – From the mother of an addict

I have a son who is an addict. My beautiful blue eyed child who has so much within him to offer this world through his love and compassion and wacky sense of humour. Probably the hardest thing about addiction for family members is being open and honest with those around you. People are so quick to judge, point fingers and give advice. You are judged on so many levels as a parent as to not [...]

By |2015-02-03T06:21:21+02:00February 3rd, 2015|pain and Hope, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|4 Comments

Taboo Topics: Addiction – Meet David Luis [Drugs]

It is early 2012. The phone rings and my brother George answers. Silence. Eventually I whisper: “I need to get out of here. I need help.” But the story starts in 1995, at a party, where a friend was having so much more fun than everyone else. “What’s he on? Is he drunk?” Our innocent questions were answered with “Ecstasy” and a journey into 18 years of intense addiction began. That first pill was exactly [...]

Taboo Topics: Addiction – Intro

When i started sharing stories on rarely spoken off issues in the form of Taboo Topics, one of the main reasons was to put a name and a face on a topic that is not often dealt with. There is a lot of power in this as it helps make an issue someone else might be struggling with seem a lot more real. There has been much positive feedback in this regard. However, as i [...]

By |2016-12-02T17:01:46+02:00December 19th, 2014|pain and Hope, Taboo Topics|4 Comments

Plants vs Zombies too!

Braaaaaaaaaains... You do not have to be a big zombie fan to appreciate the delightful Popcap 'Plants vs Zombies' tower defence game which is one of the most fun and addictive games i have ever played. To be absolutely honest it was one of the activities both the beautiful Val [tbV] and myself spent a huge amount of time on our honeymoon doing together and gave us immense times of laughter and appreciation and moment [...]

Taboo Topics: Pornography/Masturbation – meet Steve Heineman

Firstly, I want to thank Brett for giving me a podium and his trust. Secondly, I want to thank you for your courage to read anything about the struggles people face with porn and masturbation. This is not a really short story, but perhaps it is a familiar one. I pray that it is as helpful to you to read it as it was for me to write it. I was introduced to masturbation before [...]

Taboo Topics: Pornography/Masturbation – meet Jaco Hall

God is really good and just loves us too much to let these things pass under the radar! I was also exposed to pornography at a young age (Probably around 11/12) and the seed was planted. It was not so much the pornography I got addicted to, but masturbation. My mind was so contaminated with thoughts of masturbation, and my imagination was enough to keep me going! The odd e-tv movie or two every month [...]

By |2012-08-07T06:47:27+02:00August 7th, 2012|God stuff, Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|3 Comments
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