Frank Chikane

Race with me: The voices in my head

Continuing the ‘Race with Me’ video series i take a look at one thing that has been super helpful for me in terms of learning and growing and becoming better prepared for conversations about race and knowing that changes i need to make in my own life. If you have asked the question, “What can I do?’ in terms of race vibes, this is a very good place to start. For more [...]

No Life of My Own: Part Violence Avoided

This is the last part i want to share from this book, but once again suggest that you grab a copy and read it in its entirety, especially if you are a white South African trying to get a fuller education of this country's history. This is a letter that Frank Chikane wrote on the 26th June 1986 that is addressed to the Institute For Contextual Theology but would have done well to land in [...]

No Life of My Own: Part Church in Action

i love love love this piece on Christians not being saved to relax and enjoy the Kingdom of God while living in the midst of chaos in the world: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = To be a Christian... We need to be alive to the reality that Jesus could not have established the church without dying on the cross and being raised again. [...]

No Life of My Own: Part Intro

My wife, tbV, has a thing about having a thing about buying me presents, maintaining that i am the hardest person to buy for [mostly cos if i want or need something i often just go and buy it myself]. But for my birthday this year she got it spot on - two books about South Africa by South Africans. The first one i read was Better to be Black by Antjie Krog which i [...]

Listen up, South Africa – Alexa Matthews here…

Mamelani. Listen Up.  Kom ons Luister… all of us. If I had the mic for just a moment, and the audience was a country that I am yearning to see at peace and functional and prosperous – what would I want to say?  In just 3 – 5 points? This should be so easy and yet the noise in my head has made this complex.  This is my start actually. There is too much noise.  [...]

when Desmond Tutu met No_bob [part III]

  Continuing with my share from  ‘Revisiting The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Faith Community Hearing' as we look at some of the messages that came out of the second day: FROM THE TWITTERER [Day 1 of 2] While 140 character messages don't capture the whole of what was experienced, hopefully they will help you to catch a bit of a glimpse: #TRC General buzz in the air. Today it is a lot of testimony from [...]

when Desmond Tutu met No_bob [part II]

This is a continuation of the previous post which started giving an overview and summary of my participation in the  ‘Revisiting The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Faith Community Hearing' which took place this week. Here are some selected highlight moments that could be captured on The Tweeterer in 140 characters of less: FROM THE TWITTERER [Day 1 of 2] While 140 character messages don't capture the whole of what was experienced, hopefully they will help you [...]

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