change the world

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Tyron and Caraleigh

Hey Brett Thanks for the opportunity to share on your “Taboo Topics” series in regards to adoption. This is our story thus far: Myself and Caraleigh decided to pursue adopting Andrew around mid-Jan 2012. We are currently waiting for the adoption to be finalised. This is a process that requires much patience & prayer, but it’s looking really good so far, even better than normal cases for some ‘God-intervening’ reasons I’m sure. In the meantime [...]

Taboo Topics: Adoption [Intro]

this series of blog posts has been on my heart and mind for well over a year and i am excited to finally be at the point of getting started on it. there are a number of incredibly important, life-transforming, heart-breaking life events that happen to huge numbers of people that no-one, or very few people, ever seem to talk publically about – and so for the most part there are hundreds or thousands of [...]

to celebrate a 40 million something goal is human, to forgive is divine…

i imagine this is a much bigger post or discussion than what will fit in here but let's get it started... a soccer player [who was worth something like 40 million something - does it really matter when you hit 40 million whether the next word is pounds, euros or dollars?] scores a goal. a hundred facebook statuses [stati?] read something along the lines of 'amazing goal - so worth the money spent' i get [...]

Prayer-liners [v]

some more challenges from ‘Prayer: Does it make any difference?’ by Philip Yancey and you really should get the book: 'I remembered reading the account of a spiritual seeker who interrupted a busy life to spend a few days in a monastery. 'I hope your stay is a blessed one,' said the monk who showed the visitor to his cell. 'If you need anything, let us know, and we'll teach you how to live without [...]

the day i took on city hall…

and by 'took on' i mean 'visited and got to speak' - have written a two parter blog about today's public response to mayor nutter's ban on public feeding on my other blog and here are the links... and now 'got stalked by' and quoted...

Taboo Topics: Losing a baby – meet Nicole of Graeme and Nicole

a little while ago [well, a month it seems] i started a series called Taboo Topics where i wanted to look at some serious issues in life that deeply affect people but that rarely get spoken about. The first one, losing a baby, was something that had been on my heart for a long, long time because of knowing some friends who had been through it and having a glimpse of how devastating it must [...]

big brother [part ii]

it has been in the context of 'being wronged' that i have noticed it. and also brought up by an email i received the other day asking how we can be okay with the fact that God ordered genocide in the old testament [a really important question which i have grown up not asking - killing of many in the old testament was always seen as okay because it was 'the goodies killing the baddies' [...]

you can't "Love your enemies" if you're never near them…

we read this as part of morning prayer this morning: 'Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, "Jesus Christ lived in the midst of His enemies. At the end, all of His disciples deserted Him. On the cross He was utterly alone, surrounded by evildoers and mockers. For this cause He had come, to bring peace to the enemies of God. So the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life, but in the thick of [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 19

psalm 19 is a tough one. because there is just so much in it. it is a beautiful, beautiful psalm. make sure you read the whole thing. It starts so powerfully with a declaration of who God is: 'The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.' [Psalm 19.1] This makes me think of Jesus calming the storm in the boat ['The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, [...]

Aquaponics and other things that go blllloooop in the night…

so for those of you who missed my post on my 'the simple weigh' blog, here is a link to that and the story of the first week of aquaponics building that has been taking place at the simple way communtiy in kensington, philadelphia where we stay... aquaponics is like hydroponics but with fish [sustainable food growth] click here to see...

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