friends and enemas

what do you get for the man who has everything?

it is 29 minutes til my birthday... well, for me anyways, my south african family and friends have been celebrating it for hours already, as have the few contacts i know in Australia and different friends across Europe... have not heard from so many UK friends yet, but they'll be waking up soon and joining in... and then when i sleep and wake up, americaland will have caught on and i will finally be able [...]

new year's evolutions to consider part i [the right people]

so yesterday i posted about new year's evolutions - with the idea of moving beyond a dream list of 'i wish this for next year' to some specific steps and actions to put into place to help you transform yourself into a better person in 2012. and my first evolution suggestion is this: HANG OUT WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE different people have different capacity for friendship and so everyone i imagine has different levels or [...]

putting the 'C' back in Christmas [part i]

and that 'c' stands for 'creativity' - moving beyond spending a bunch of money you can't afford on a bunch of stuff no-one needs [and often doesn't even want] because of some kind of misplaced notion that it is 'showing love' when there are people you know, or live near, or try to ignore, who are likely to be having a very miserable holiday time and your act of creativity in the form of generosity [...]

elementary my dear w

yesterday tbV and now my friend as well, brian watson, dropped in for a visit... from South Africa, brian is in the middle of doing his PHD in Arizona in stuff you would have to hear to not really understand [altho solar power and keeping particles the right distance from each other and a billionth of a meter thin wire all enter into it] and it was great to get to see him. he is [...]

all you can hope or imagine. and then some.

last nite at our simple way potluck we had some directors come show us a documentary they made about a family from columbia - the main thrust of the movie was about these fumigations that americaland funds to try and nail cocaine fields in columbia [planes flying over and dumping poison] altho in a nutshell the poison kills all food crops completely and the coca plant which is the intended victim grows back in three [...]

why i believe that God is not faithfull

i was thinking about this the other day and it's a pretty silly semantical thort but it was mine and that it was too. [eh hem] and hopefully someone is already penning me an email [can one do that?] to tell me i spelt 'faithful' wrong, without reading the blog post [those are some of my favourite people] but actually that was the thort that ran thru my head the other day God is faithful, [...]

By |2011-05-26T11:00:10+02:00May 26th, 2011|activities, church, friends and enemas, God stuff, life|6 Comments

love God, hate gay people?

i love God. some of my best friends are gay and i love them. this is quite clearly a dangerous piece to write because in this politically correct world we find ourselves in you are allowed to be anything but just not allowed to question anything - each to his own, right? but i read this article and really thort the author, John Dickson, nailed the topic on the head... i remember an occasion a [...]

two kittens and a love for the church

sounds like the beginning of a cheesy christian greeting card... but it's not... more years ago than i can remember at will, i was hanging out with my friend sean tucker and he had just gotten two new kittens and i suggested names for them and Darth [the black one] and Catspurr [the friendly cat, and the white one] were born... wait, they had already been born but they were named... years later, sean and [...]

noooooo-body expects the royal wedding inquisition…

so yesterday was one of those fun days when i posted what i thort was a random thort on some global happening and turns out it wasn't... not that i am new to this or very much surprised - from not joining the save the orangutang group on facebook which eventually [after much patient messaging and reasoning and trying to be nice] scored Justine from Australia the prize of being the first person i had [...]

not quite as simple, it seems

so yesterday's "this is what the andersons are going to be up to" bloggage received a lot more attention than i suspected it would, and pretty firmly divided into two groups of responses: those who knew us, who said nice things about us and wished us good times and most importantly got excited with us for this adventure that we are about to embark on those who don't know us who by and large said [...]

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