love and chocolate

Taboo Topics: Race – Mixed Race Connections – Meet Marcia Wells and Florian Adler

Marcia's Point of View Initially when Florian and i started talking, the race factor did cross my mind but didn't bother me at all. Florian is such an amazing guy, our personalities just clicked right away... I think we get the best of both worlds and culture. Sometimes i even forget that we're interracial. I don't really think about it. Do race and ethnicity matter when it comes to relationships? apparently, race is mattering less [...]

Taboo Topics: Race – Mixed Race Connections – Meet Roxanne Rhoda and Gregory Jewell

[Disclaimer: while in Americaland, the term "coloured" is a strongly negative term, in South Africa there is a unique group of people who have come from a heritage of different cultures but now have developed their own distinct culture. They are neither black nor white, nor are they mixed race, and they would call themselves 'coloured'.]   We’re no different than any other couple. Well, we are. Roxanne is from South Africa and colo(u)red and Greg [...]

Taboo Topics: Race – Mixed Race Connections – Meet James Davis and Sherrell Nesmith

American-African meets African-American.   We met at university; both of us were on student leadership for our respective halls. Sherrell’s from Durham, NC. James is from Cape Town, South Africa (Well, mostly). Naturally, there are a lot of cultural differences we’ve discovered along the way. For starters, we have different likes and dislikes, some of them diametrically opposite each other, ranging from the superficial, like our tastes in music and to how we like to [...]

What my Married Friends would like their Single Friends to know – Meet Alexa and Charles Matthews

Things that I wish I could say to my single friends…. When I saw Brett request this I thought “pick me pick me”!  Then I started thinking about how to write this with honesty & candour but in a way which honours my husband, marriage and my friends.  I am so aware that I am still VERY new at this – Charles and I only got married 6 months ago (on the 9th November to be [...]

Taboo Topics: Race – Mixed Race Connections – Meet Beth Lee Jooste and Ockerd Ojay Langeveldt [Engaged]

Hi brett. I saw you put up a request for inter- racial relationship stories: here's a bit of mine: in 150 days i'm marrying my best friend and the love of my life. He is coloured and i'm white and we are the best for each other. When I look at him I don't see my culture or his - I see two people working out life with a different approach and mentality... this goes [...]

Taboo Topics: Race – Mixed Race and Culture Connections

As we have started talking about different aspects of Race on my blog, one area that quickly came to mind was that of mixed race/culture relationships. Hard to believe that this was illegal when i was growing up. And that it was normal for it to be so. And even when it wasn't, it took a bit of a while for it to become more of a regular [less stared at] thing and so i imagine [...]

Marriage Year 10: Meet Lu-Shane and Marco Alexander

When I was young, I always dreamed of being married & having children. Today I am a proud wife & mother of 2 beautiful boys. Its is only by the grace of God that we are now able to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary on the 1st May 2014. As with any marriage, there are many challenges and yes most of them not easy, but even though we were caught up in our problems [...]

living with tbV

if you stopped reading after the 'b' this becomes a completely different post... so don't. the beautiful Val, in case you didn't know, and yes only i get to call her that and really mean it in the way i do. [you can of course refer to her as 'tbV' th0ugh, and i love it when other people do, but it has also been fun to me through the years how so many of you have [...]

God called. He’d like His job back.

this has been quite an eventful week. WORLD VISION AND SAME SEX MARRIAGE World Vision made a dramatic did-they-really-not-expect-the-reaction-it-got decision involving allowing employees to be in same-sex marriages. the Evangelical response was strong with notable Christian speakers such as John Piper and Franklin Graham speaking out against the decision and many Christians apparently withdrawing support for World Vision and specifically for the children they support via World Vision. a day or two later World Vision does a [...]

Marriage year 45: Meet Costa and Lorraine Mitchell

Costa & Lorraine Mitchell. Married 3rd April 1971, both of us 21 years old at the time. We both think that we have had it very good in marriage. Obviously, this is a gift for which God is to be praised, and parents thanked, and we don’t take it lightly. It helps that God was strong in forming and informing our choices at the time we met. It helps hugely that we both came from parents [...]

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