
Conversations 1: part poverty definition

my friend and bossman, Darin, shared some stuff on Saturday's Simple Way Conversations day on the theme of stewarding your treasures [your money and things] well in the world we live in... one really interesting thing he said which made me think was when he asked about the definition of poverty and said that often poverty has been defined as THE LACK OF STUFF? that's true, right? i'm sure most of us would agree... but [...]

Love Jesus and… grow a brain!

"the Bible says so!" end to an argument for a lot of people [who won't necessarily give you a book, chapter and verse to make it easier on you but are pretty convinced in their heads that because they think something is true then surely the Bible must say so] about a week ago i got involved in a 'discussion' on the 'book [the less quotable one] where a pastor had posted a statement made [...]

By |2012-08-10T06:45:16+02:00August 10th, 2012|change the world, God stuff, people, shtupidt people|14 Comments

the day i took on city hall…

and by 'took on' i mean 'visited and got to speak' - have written a two parter blog about today's public response to mayor nutter's ban on public feeding on my other blog and here are the links... and now 'got stalked by' and quoted...

big brother [part ii]

it has been in the context of 'being wronged' that i have noticed it. and also brought up by an email i received the other day asking how we can be okay with the fact that God ordered genocide in the old testament [a really important question which i have grown up not asking - killing of many in the old testament was always seen as okay because it was 'the goodies killing the baddies' [...]

big brother [part i]

we all know the much told story of the prodigal son, right? in fact, i even wrote a poem about it once, imagining the prodigal son had gone prodigal again [as one does] which you can take a look at here, but if you in fact don't know the story, you can look it up in Luke 15.11-32. and we all focus on the bad son and how we relate and the clever preachers tell [...]

Losing weight, while needing to find some. [a message to the wronged]

so i have been going to gym, with my good friend from across the street, Coe aka Cobra [aka creator of the most powerful beast in the world - the Snuck - it's a snake, but it looks like a duck so you think it's all cute and innocent and go to stroke it, but watch out, it's a SNAKE!!!] [disclaimer: Coe has not actually created any Snucks as of yet so back of PETA, [...]

does it count if the person you're stalking is you?

last nite i was sitting chatting to my friend and hardcore gym buddy Coe at Mad Mex where we were hanging out celebrating Erica whose residency has reached an end and i suddenly had this surreal moment of watching myself/listening to myself speak. the main topic of our conversation started with 'Hunger Games' which we both had watched this week and had different reactions to or feelings about, but then extended to the topic of [...]

By |2012-03-29T14:26:30+02:00March 29th, 2012|activities, friends and enemas, life, people|0 Comments

who would win a fight between matt redman [never once did we walk alone] and john ellis [formerly of tree63]?

i've been blogging for a little over two years now and i enjoy having a space to write my thorts or share my actions or be seriously silly or intriguingly insightful and a whole host of other stuff in between... and in that time it is the stuff i've written on relationships that has been the most widely read... so from 'How to Love Your Woman Better' to keys to 'having a good marriage [ideas [...]

protesting the protesters…

so i posted about the protest action we were involved in with regards to the outdoors sharing of food with homeless people on my 'the simple weigh' blog but i know a lot of people susbscribe to this one so thort i would stick the links here as well. click here for part I dealing with what i was pertaining to. click here for part II which deals with the picnic which was my beautiful [...]

you've probably seen this video. [and why i hate the world of birds]

i have seen this video around on FB for the last long while and wanted to check it out but not enough to actually do so and so i didn't til today - it's called 'Why I hate religion, but love Jesus' and it's a spoken word piece by a young guy called jeff bethke. i didn't watch it til i started skim reading this really good but really too long for me to read [...]

By |2012-01-23T22:03:55+02:00January 23rd, 2012|activities, people, shtupidt people|0 Comments
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