
are you doing and being or just going and saying?

"Are you doing what Jesus did and taught?" that line came up in the bible devotions this morning at the CCDA conference and it's not like it's anything new or particularly revolutionary, but it is a line i think must keep on being said and cried out and shouted and written down and sung about until more and more people take a moment to really hear it and digest it and pour their present life [...]

By |2011-10-15T00:43:37+02:00October 15th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments

why i believe that God is not faithfull

i was thinking about this the other day and it's a pretty silly semantical thort but it was mine and that it was too. [eh hem] and hopefully someone is already penning me an email [can one do that?] to tell me i spelt 'faithful' wrong, without reading the blog post [those are some of my favourite people] but actually that was the thort that ran thru my head the other day God is faithful, [...]

By |2011-05-26T11:00:10+02:00May 26th, 2011|activities, church, friends and enemas, God stuff, life|6 Comments

two kittens and a love for the church

sounds like the beginning of a cheesy christian greeting card... but it's not... more years ago than i can remember at will, i was hanging out with my friend sean tucker and he had just gotten two new kittens and i suggested names for them and Darth [the black one] and Catspurr [the friendly cat, and the white one] were born... wait, they had already been born but they were named... years later, sean and [...]

why church is a verb

a lot of people don't like the church - some people outright hate it [cos of things they've seen, experienced, heard about or feel the church has done to them], others are not fans [disillusioned, frustrated, confused, bored] while others just don't really care either way... i, on the other hand, love the church [as do many others and as does God which is always a good indicator] and i'm not talking about a specific [...]

By |2011-04-23T07:56:32+02:00April 23rd, 2011|church, God stuff, people|5 Comments

Looking for thoughts/opinions/quotes about church, from those outside

this is specifically aimed at those of you who do not attend/who are not a part of a church... for those of you who don't know i am busy writing a book about church and am looking for some more quotes - i have sent this request out before and got a pretty decent response and am using a lot of those but i am wanting to appeal one more time for anyone who would [...]

By |2011-03-20T03:01:57+02:00March 20th, 2011|and other animals., church|0 Comments

dating Q & A: where have all the good (christian) men gone? [the reply]

hey anonymous friend thankx for the email and the sharing and the questions - some hectic and hardcore and challenging questions indeed and i don't want to patronise you in the slightest by assuming i have the answers to all of them, if any of them, but i do have some thorts and i hope you will find them helpful and instructive. One of my main issues that I have with dating in the church [...]

By |2018-12-14T13:33:27+02:00March 14th, 2011|love and chocolate, relationships|4 Comments

dating Q & A: where have all the good (christian) men gone? [the email]

i got this email from a friend of mine and because it covers a bunch of relevant issues with regards to christians dating i asked her if she minded if i shared it and answered - or tried to - some of them publically - i will include just the email here and the reply in the following linked blog... Hi Brett, How are you doing? Just warning you in advance, this is quite a [...]

john of ellis talking unlearning

read this post by john of ellis this morning which my beautiful wife val alerted me too saying it was rather good and the message there is exactly spot on. the book 'unlearning' is written by my friend sean tucker and his blog is definitely worth checking out as well take a read here or find sean's blog over here - i don't always agree with everything he says - and i generally enjoy his [...]

By |2011-01-20T10:34:43+02:00January 20th, 2011|change the world, church, God stuff, what i am reading|0 Comments

stan. and little stan. [and some kind of miracle]

so last nite the beautiful val and i flew to kwazulu natal where we met up with dreadlock mike and nancy who we are driving up to botswana with (but that's another post) and on the plane we got talking to stan who was a friendly-seeming guy sitting next to us [no CATFLAP MAN on this flight...] and got chatting cos we were sodukuing and his wife is an avid sodukuer [stan's wife, not CATFLAP [...]

By |2010-11-25T08:08:25+02:00November 25th, 2010|God stuff, inspire-ations, people|2 Comments
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