
Surviving Covid: Intro

How are we all doing at Surviving Covid? 2020 will be remembered as the year of the Pandemic where we all became all too familiar with the terms 'coronavirus' and more particularly 'Covid-19'! But why is this disease which many have compared to the flu and which only has about a 2 percent fatality rate worth giving so much attention to? Is it not possible that we have fallen for conspiracy theories based on [...]

By |2021-01-08T08:59:50+02:00January 1st, 2021|stories, thorts of other people, world news|0 Comments

Poem: Words from Different Mouths

i wrote a poem this morning considering how the same words coming out of different mouths can mean a variety of things. Different worlds, even.             [For another poem i wrote a while back on 'Whiteness' click here]

re: Move One Million

The Move One Million Facebook group has organised a nationwide march today, on the 5th of September 2020. Why is the 2020 significant, you may ask? Well, South Africa and the world happens to be in the throes of a global pandemic that to date has killed more than eight hundred thousand people [including fourteen thousand in South Africa]. That alone should be cause for concern. But tuning in to watch a maskless Move [...]

While waiting on the government [corruption]…

It is hard to be a South African sometimes.  As a white South African, i sit with the heavy injustices of colonialism and apartheid in my rear view mirror all the time. As a black, coloured or indian South African, they live in the consequences of colonialism and apartheid as well as a worldwide uplifting of whiteness to the detriment of everything else. As a male, we sit with a horrific pandemic of violence [...]

5 Ways to Improve your World during Lockdown

Are you ready to improve your world? We are all responding to lockdown in different ways. But some people are really using this time well, as they have the means and the capacity. So i wanted to share a few ideas for you to consider [and pass on - please consider hitting SHARE and inviting your people to join in as well]. Some you might already be doing, but maybe there is something here [...]

By |2020-07-07T13:18:47+02:00July 7th, 2020|#NotOnOurWatch, 40 Tips, activities, inspire-ations|3 Comments

Homepocalypse review

Time for a bit of an update from the Homepocalypse... We are living in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, in case any of you forgot. And while i know that none of you who read my blog would ever be those people, it really seems like there are a lot of them. Main road Plumstead/Southfield on the way to pick up groceries or meds from the Pharmacy gives off this impression if life [...]

The Plandemic Pandemic

That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, and aeroplanes. And Lenny Bruce is not afraid... Turns out that R.E.M. were not as prophetic as we all might have hoped, for as @bj_flemming pointed out on the Twitterer this morning: REM were wrong it starts with a bush fire, pandemic, murder hornets; not an earthquake, birds, snakes, and aeroplanes. — Blake live from down unde🔴 (@bj_flemming) May 9, 2020 Chances are though, [...]

The Good, The Corona and the Pandemic

So how is your pandemic going? i thought it might be helpful for a bit of healthy perspective. Meet my friend Uel Maree [some of you may know him from this piece i ran a long while ago [which exploded on here - go and check it out!] Uel is consistently one of the most upbeat, hope-filled, compassionate people i know and every interaction with him somehow leaves me feeling better about myself and [...]

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