
To Be A Mom – Meet Tshego Motiang

Once I've fed; entertained; disciplined; played with; answered a billion and 1 questions and then finally put the kids to bed, I get to relax and watch some tv - I am exhausted. I don't do this everyday, only every so often, to give those who do a chance to enjoy their long lost freedom - I am the babysitter. I'm a firm believer in the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" [...]

By |2014-10-26T20:59:52+02:00October 26th, 2014|family, thorts of other people, Uncategorized|9 Comments

To Be A Mom – be reacquainted with Candice Fourie

To be a mom, I’m sure means different things to different moms. Each journey into and through motherhood is littered with moments and memories that are particular to that mom and to her journey with her children. I’m a mom of two ~ and believe me, I don’t profess to know anything at all about being the perfect mom. Actually, the longer I’m a mom, the more I realise how much I really don’t know [...]

To Be A Mum [she’s Australian!] – meet Bek Curtis

I am 'Mum' to three amazing biological children. Sir J, aged 14, Lady M aged 12 and Little Miss 7. You can stop pulling that face, these are not their real names, just how I refer to them in order to respect their future online identity and privacy. My initiation into motherhood didn't begin with a pretty white dress, two rings on my finger, a Christian husband who'd vowed to love me for life, or a [...]

To Be A Mom – Meet Lauren McGill

To be a mom I was never one of those girls who dreamt of her wedding. I never dreamt of babies or being a wife. I climbed trees, hid stray animals and dreamt of exploring the world. I’ve had an independent spirit from as far back as I can remember. My life changed when I fell pregnant at the age of 22 - the devastation gave way to instantaneous, glorious, immovable love the second I [...]

By |2014-10-13T23:00:54+02:00October 13th, 2014|family, thorts of other people, Uncategorized|6 Comments

To Be A Mom: Intro

a friend of mine sent me an email with a post titled 'To be a Mom' in it. i'm not sure why she sent it - i can't remember if it was part of something i had asked her to write or if she had just decided this was something needing to be written and had sent it to me. what it did though was spark something inside of me: What if i gave that [...]

By |2014-10-13T22:24:18+02:00October 13th, 2014|inspire-ations, thorts of other people, Uncategorized|10 Comments

Parents of Facebook: Save some for yourselves [part II]

the other day i posted this status on Facebook which i tried to clarify a little better in Part I of this post: Parents of young children... while i LOVE reading so many of the funny moments and epic statements your children have and make, i do think there is huge value in savouring some of those just for yourselves as a family... i just worry that moments that should be precious memories for you [...]

a letter, from Magda Pecsenye, to her sons about stopping rape.

'Dear Boys, Some really horrible things happened to someone who could be one of your friends, and it was done by some people who could be your friends. You're 11 and almost-8 now, so the incident that made me write this letter isn't something you've heard about, but this stuff keeps happening, unfortunately. So I need to talk to you about it...' with that attention-grabbing opening paragraph, Magda Pecsenye, who is the writer for the [...]

Taboo Topics: Infertility [Intro]

this is the third in my series of Taboo Topics that I am tackling and the topic this time around is INFERTILITY the idea of Taboo Topics is to take a topic that is very real [and often raw and painful, perhaps embarrassing or just difficult to speak about] but which no one, for various reasons, is speaking a lot about and to invite people who have had experience in that area to share their [...]

By |2017-01-17T10:18:13+02:00June 14th, 2012|Taboo Topics, thorts of other people|5 Comments
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