
About brettfish

Brett Fish is a lover of God and people, and owns the world's most famous stuffed dolphin, No_bob (who doesn't bob). He believes that we are all responsible for making the world a significantly better place for everyone.

On being Different and why that should be okay

Some thoughts about being different: It is okay to be different. After all, we all are.  i have spent a lot of time over the last few weeks doing a lot of self-reflection. The in-your-face realities of a deadly worldwide pandemic, my dad about to turn 80 [this Saturday], hearing of a new colleague on a board i just joined losing his life in a car accident, are all things which can make you [...]

Calling all Board Gamers!

Board Gamers assemble!  There are three types of people when it comes to board games: [1] No board games people - my dad - i think we got him to play Trivial Pursuit once, but while my mom loves games of all kinds [although firmly in the #2 category which follows] he would literally rather mow the lawn or paint something than play with us. [2] Old school board gamers - my mom - [...]

By |2023-08-16T08:26:39+02:00April 29th, 2021|activities, games & Stuff|0 Comments

To go where no child should go b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ again

Lumka Mkhethwa and Michael Komape are names we should know and probably don't.  In 2015 Michael, aged 5, drowned in a pit latrine 'toilet' and in 2018 the same thing happened to Lumka.  Those are absolute tragedies and should never have been allowed to happen to any human beings and the idea that we get outraged for a moment and then get back to our lives and just carry on feels a little overwhelming [...]

By |2021-04-28T14:16:54+02:00April 28th, 2021|#NotOnOurWatch, Justice, things to wrestle with|2 Comments

Book review of sorts: Community by Peter Block

i have just [finally] finished reading 'Community' by Peter Block.  It has taken me a while - and i did sneak in a three-day reading of Neil Gaiman's 'Anansi Boys' just as something a little quicker and lighter - but it was overall a good and thoroughly challenging read and i feel like it has inspired me to think differently about a number of things. The book 'Community' is included in the pack of [...]

By |2021-04-27T15:30:23+02:00April 27th, 2021|thorts of other people, what i am reading|0 Comments

The Racial Literacy Project

i was recently introduced to Josh Cox and his website called The Racial Literacy Project and asked him if he would mind sharing some of his story, Meet Joshua Cox: The Racial Literacy Project Last year I launched a simple website with the aim of helping white people 'do the work' of becoming more literate on issues of race and racism. The end goal being that people are more equipped to speak out on these [...]

By |2021-04-26T07:54:24+02:00April 26th, 2021|#NotOnOurWatch, race vibes, thorts of other people|0 Comments

Put your money where my mouth is?

This is a post inviting you to get behind those who create the words and pictures and ideas and music that move and inspire and excite and challenge you... and only one of those ways of support is about money so read to the end. i have a Patreon page.  Which you can visit over here. The basic idea of a Patreon page as i understand it is that it is a space to [...]

By |2021-04-13T11:05:39+02:00April 13th, 2021|activities, Creative Vibes, Justice, me vibes|0 Comments

Are you listening?

Are you a good listener or a committed speaker?  Take a few moments to think back to the last three proper meaty conversations you had with friends or family. If someone had been holding down a timer every time you spoke and releasing it every time you listened, which would be the bigger number? Take a moment to imagine if the people you have last spoken to were asked that same question. How might [...]

Easter Sunday: a reflection

We have slowly moved from the pain of Good Friday, through the eerie silence of Easter Saturday to find ourselves present on Easter Sunday. My invitation to you on this day is to lean into the real and authentic, however that may look and feel for you. This is what it looks like for me: An Easter reflection: Easter reflection: "Jesus is risen - Hallelujah!" is the cry ringing out from the church around [...]

Easter Saturday: a reflection

An Easter Saturday reflection: Easter Saturday may feel to some like a nothing day, but it's also a reminder that so often we find ourselves in a space where we need to hold the tension between the pain of Good Friday and the joy and hope of Easter Sunday. A reminder that so often in life we find ourselves in that very space with events that devastate us often overlapping with ones we want [...]

By |2021-04-04T15:55:14+02:00April 3rd, 2021|church, God stuff, pain and Hope, reflections|0 Comments

Good Friday: a reflection

A Good Friday reflection: A call to remain and lean into the pain that Good Friday speaks of before rushing too quickly to the joy of Resurrection Sunday. Because the pain is where too many people find themselves in the world and it is into that story that God reaches. Even Jesus, when confronted with a violent death asks if there is not another way. But then chooses to follow the path of pain & [...]

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