God stuff

who would win a fight between matt redman [never once did we walk alone] and john ellis [formerly of tree63]?

i've been blogging for a little over two years now and i enjoy having a space to write my thorts or share my actions or be seriously silly or intriguingly insightful and a whole host of other stuff in between... and in that time it is the stuff i've written on relationships that has been the most widely read... so from 'How to Love Your Woman Better' to keys to 'having a good marriage [ideas [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 17

my housemate Monkman [aka Aaron Condon] and i are trying to set aside a meal to fast and pray together every week and this week on Thursday we sat on the floor in the office and read through psalm 17 which was the next one i was going to look at. and when we finished we read through psalm 18. and then 19. and it was so refreshing just reading a bunch of psalms together [...]

By |2012-03-24T10:37:12+02:00March 24th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|2 Comments

protesting the protesters…

so i posted about the protest action we were involved in with regards to the outdoors sharing of food with homeless people on my 'the simple weigh' blog but i know a lot of people susbscribe to this one so thort i would stick the links here as well. click here for part I dealing with what i was pertaining to. click here for part II which deals with the picnic which was my beautiful [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 16

this psalm is filled with a number of deep thoughts worth reflecting on, but i will just pick a few: 'I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.' [vs.8] this is the first verse that really caught my attention and really just spoke to me about living a life close to God - john 15 shares the picture of the vine and the branches [...]

By |2012-03-17T16:42:21+02:00March 17th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|1 Comment

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 15

psalm 15 is a short and schweet psalm and the message i got from it is to live well. the psalmist gives some examples of what living well looks like - 'speaks the truth from their heart', 'utters no slander', 'does no wrong to a neighbor', 'casts no slur on others', 'keeps an oath even when it hurts', 'lends money to the poor without interest', and 'does not accept a bribe against the innocent' with [...]

By |2012-03-15T18:10:58+02:00March 15th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|1 Comment

Taboo Topics: Losing a baby – meet Sandi and Mike

The 18 August 2009 is the day that life changed for Mike and I. It was the day that we saw our baby on the sonar screen for the first time, but instead of tears of joy, tears of indescribable sadness flowed as we saw our quiet, lifeless baby on the screen with no heartbeat. At home that evening Mike and I sat very quiet on the couch, staring at the tv feeling completely numb. [...]

Taboo Topics: Losing a baby – meet Heidi and Shaun

Shaun and I had been married for a couple of months and decided to start trying for a family. Imagine our excitement as we found out I was pregnant. At about 8 weeks things didn't seem to be quite right so found a gynae and went for a check-up. I had terrible pain and was bleeding a little. After some scanning and much to our surprise the doc couldn't find any indication of a pregnancy [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 14

and on to psalm 14: 'The fool says in his heart, "There is no God!" [vs.1] as Mr T's B.A. Baracus from the A-Team would say, "I pity the fool!" and that's an apt combination of thoughts. and 'pity' has such strongly negative connotations where what i feel when i look at friends lives who do not know God and are going through stuff and trying to carry it all by themselves is totally a [...]

By |2012-03-10T15:29:31+02:00March 10th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|1 Comment

Taboo Topics: Losing a baby – meet Graeme and Nicole

My second daughter, Zoe, was stillborn at 37 weeks on 24th March 2007 in London, UK - we had no warning, one day she was well, with a strong heartbeat, head down, ready to come into the world, and two days later, she was dead. It turns out that Nicole has a blood condition that pre-disposes her toward clotting, and the best guess is that there must have been sudden clotting in the placenta/umbilical chord [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 13

two things about this short but delightful psalm 13: which begins with, 'How long, O Lord, Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me?'[vs.1] but first a quick recap: 'O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me!' [psalm 3.1] 'Give me relief from m distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.' [psalm 4.1] 'Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my [...]

By |2012-03-09T13:59:08+02:00March 9th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|1 Comment
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