things to wrestle with

What about Bob? And Colette?

So those of you who follow my blog will be aware that i received an email from a friend who wanted to remain anonymous but was wrestling with some questions and issues as a white South African who is currently living overseas but looking in. i published Bob's email over here. i then invited some of my friends to respond and so far Alexa [white woman], Marlyn [coloured guy] and Tsholo [black woman] have shared [...]

‘i, church’ – gather round for conversations about church

For those of you who have been following the book launch tour we have now had four different launches: one at Vovo Telo and one at the Warehouse in Cape Town, one out Stellenbosch way and recently another in Durban.   What i have discovered along the way is that my favourite part at every single launch was the Q & A time we scheduled in the middle of it. Opportunities for people [...]

By |2015-04-24T15:26:22+02:00April 24th, 2015|activities, things to wrestle with|2 Comments

What about Bob? a response by Tsholo Mpuru

My friend Tsholo commented on the Bob letter in the comments section, but her comment was so long and specific that i didn't want it to be missed and so i asked her if it would be alright if i ran it as another post in this series and she said yes: [Meet Tsholo: I am a 31 year old black female - lover of music and all things pink. Born and raised in the Free [...]

What about Bob? a response by Marlyn

This is a second response to my friend 'Bob's anonymous letter, which you can read here. Marlyn Faure is a friend of Alexa who has been wanting me to connect with and meet him, and he felt up to the challenge of responding to Bob as well in his own words and so here they are. [Meet Marlyn - I am 26 year old coloured male from Cape Town. Currently I am doing my Honours [...]

What about Bob? a response by Alexa

This is a response to yesterday's shared anonymous letter, What About Bob? and so if you have not read that yet, start there and then come back here and continue. Alexa is a good friend of mine who has been involved in many of the conversations we have had on race, reconciliation, restitution and other terms that may not begin with R but this is stuff she is passionate about and doing her best to live [...]

What about Bob?

A week or so ago, i received an email from an old friend of mine who is currently living outside of South Africa and who asked to remain anonymous. Let's call him 'Bob'. Bob emailed me some thoughts about the current situation in South Africa and his feeling as a white South African at this time. As i read through Bob's mail i had some strong reactions to some of the stuff he is saying, [...]

By |2016-06-06T11:15:05+02:00April 21st, 2015|challenging thorts, things to wrestle with|25 Comments

How to overcome our biases by walking boldly towards them [Verna Myers]

i know not everyone has the time or internet capacity to watch video clips online, but if you do then i encourage you to watch this one. It speaks directly into the Americaland conversation at the moment in terms of violence from police offers on black young men but also just a greater focus on the bias of society, and particularly white society when it comes to black young men. i believe it has a [...]

A Good Day To Die

When Jesus walked the earth, He called many people to follow Him. And the crowds showed up. He spoke Truth and Life. He reached out to those at the margins, which in His day included women and children, Samaritans [the foreigner], the diseased and more... He performed miracles... He saved lives people were wanting to kill and He even raised some people from the dead. And the crowds cheered and pushed to get closer to [...]

a South Africa i dream of…

The other day i wrote a poem titled 'to them who have ears' and just thinking about it a little more today,  have dubbed it a choir poem - as in those who get what it's about and who agree will totally be reading and nodding and cheering and liking and sharing... but those who don't, are unlikely to even read it and if they somehow do, unlikely to understand the point trying to be made... [...]

the breast of intentions: a response to the #ChristianCleavage tag

In the last day of so, i have seen the phrase and hashtag, "Christian Cleavage" showing up all over the internet and so, being a curious guy, went to take a look at what my extended family is up to this time. Turns out it all started [was re-ignited?] when an apparently prominent Christian blogger, Jarrid Wilson, wrote a blog post titled, 'The Problem with Christian Cleavage' that apparently caused so much controversy and mayhem [...]

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